By Valder Beebe
The Valder Beebe Show started 2021 with an interview with twelve-time Olympic medalist swimmer Dara Torres. Dara is the most decorated US female Olympic athlete of all-time. She’s a New York Times best-selling author, fitness advocate, motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and mother, started her career on the international stage by breaking her first world record at the age of 15. This incredible feat was accomplished on the way to her first of five Olympic appearances, in Los Angeles at the 1984 Games.
Torres, who owns four Gold, four Silver and four Bronze medals, was never someone that competed for the accolades instead for the challenge of doing what no one else has ever done. That intense passion for the unknown has driven Dara to represent the US from age 15 to age 41. This incredible journey, 26 years on the Olympic stage, has never been accomplished by any other American athlete and serves as the backdrop for Dara’s incredibly motivating speeches delivered to corporations all over the world.
During Dara Torres’s career, she was a Wilhelmina model, named the first athlete model featured in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, hosted the most successful fitness infomercial of all-time the Taebo program with Billy Blanks selling over 10 million DVDs, and also worked on Cindy Crawford’s Crepe Erase which generated hundreds of millions of dollars in sales.
VBS: Dara, thank you for being my guest on the Valder Beebe Show. Your accolades are astounding 12 Olympic Medals in swimming. I say “job well done,” yet I believe your most important accolade is being a mom. As the Pandemic has changed how our children learn, plays even interact with family and friends you cannot introduce parents to a fitness app for kids. Dara Torres, the most decorated US female Olympic athlete of all-time, New York Times best-selling author, fitness advocate, motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and mother, started her career on the international stage by breaking her first world record at the age of 15.
DT: Parents can access the secrets of world class trainers and sports coaches anytime on the app. Kids and their parents will enjoy ways of being active, while staying safe and socially distant.
VBS: Why is it so important to keep kids active during the winter months?
DT: Kids are growing and developing and should stave active year round.
VBS: Dara you have so many followers and fans, what your next accomplishments?
DT: I will be doing a TEDX talk soon, look for that upcoming.
Valder Beebe Show THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW On-Demand video:,,; PODCAST audio:,; Broadcast: KYBS FM Y99.9, KRER FM 102.5, Streaming TV PChatman Network and VBS affiliate broadcasters; On-Demand 411 RadioNetwork. com, – Now available on 411RadioNetwork APP. Valder Beebe Show is a Power of 3 Women media influencer consortium partner

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