NNPA NEWSWIRE — Because the midterm elections are occurring two years after the last CENSUS count, redistricting is still being decided in several states....
Odd Leaf Apothecary is a local Dallas metroplex area business serving you therapeutic products that help with your needs. This brand focus on giving...
Dallas Sized Cookies is based in Dallas and is founded by a young entrepreneur who enjoys baking masterpieces. Owner Dallas Wise learned everything about...
TheNew3Rs.org today opened enrollment for this summer’s virtual “Your Story is Our Story Curriculum,” designed to create the next generation of youth responsive philanthropists, and...
The Workforce Development Program Manager at Parkland Health and Hospital System, Sherel Riley is multi-talented and it’s important to note that she has extensive...
DeMarcus J Roberts, Owner214-704-8041FB fb.com/granyscratchkitchenwww.grannyscratchkicthen.com DeMarcus J Roberts is the proud owner of Granny’s Scratch Kitchen. Delivering great made-from-scratch desserts. Through these desserts, He continues...