Meet Dr. Faith, Chief Life Strategist, and Spiritual Coach. She helps professional women overcome self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and road-blocking fears by giving them the...
Dr. Tiffany Barnes is the Troop Engagement Coordinator at Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas. She received her BS degree in Marketing and Entrepreneurship from...
Business In Pearls Public Relations Agency CEO/Founder Colette Martin’s mission is to provide individuals in business, more visibility, and enhance Brand Credibility and authenticity,...
DALLAS – Council Member Omar Narvaez, in partnership with the Dallas County Health and Human Services, is hosting pop-up Vaccination events in District 6. These...
Royalyn Reid is the President and Chief Research Strategist for Consumer and Market Insights, a people and process improvement company skilled at helping clients...
Kellee Murrell is the principal at St. Philip’s School and Community Center. People describe her as passionate, experienced, and committed. Kellee, hails from Bronx,...
BOSS™ stands for “Bringing Out Successful Sisters,” and Their mission is to promote and encourage the small business spirit and career development of women...
From Elsie Cooke-HolmesInternational President, Chair Board of Directors Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated mourns the recent murders of our sisters, Amanda Williams and Robin...