Actively Black is a Black owned entity created by former professional Basketball player Lanny Smith. Actively Black was created with the input and advice...
Harold’s Chicken is an iconic chicken restaurant from Chicago, just opened a franchise in Cedar Hill, Texas. Black owned by Kristen Pierce-Sherrod. Her Father...
BIANCA B. KING, the Founder of Pretty Damn Ambitious, is an exclusive private community helping women achieve the professional and personal success that they...
The Lip Bar founded by Melissa Butler, her products have the maximum impact, minimal effort are must-haves and are deliberately designed for your complexion...
The Writing Doula, founder Linda Jones provides professional writing and consulting services that center around storytelling, legacy keeping and healing. Linda supports her clients...
Kisha’s Kreations creates customs items tumblers, pillows, blankets, sippy cups, frosted glass tumblers, and T-shirts. All can be customized to your personal style. The...