Nationwide — Meet 29-year-old Jehu Graham and 32-year-old Francis Kway, two young African American investors who are also the founders of Cheat Code Algo, powerful software that uses a series of indicators to predict stock market trends. During their first year in business, they generated $5 million in revenue, and now they are on a mission to give away $1 million in trading profits from their own trades to urban communities over the course of two years.
Cheat Code Algo is a tool that gives beginner investors and seasoned traders all the information they need to know to get in on the action. Members are provided with a library of material to help them make educated trading decisions. They have live trading daily via Zoom in their community of over 17,000 traders with skills ranging from absolute beginner to advanced. To join their trading community, visit
Just recently, Jehu and Francis partnered with Gillie Da Kid and Wallo267 to start a challenge to raise money for families in Philadelphia. By trading stocks, they made $20,000 in 30 days and gave it all away in cash to local single mothers & struggling families. But that’s just the beginning. Ultimately, they want to give away $1 million to more families in need all across the country.
During their interview on the popular Earn Your Leisure podcast, they comment, “We believe that trading is the key to empowerment for Black and brown communities because there is no discrimination in the trading markets. When it comes to trading, everyone has an equal opportunity to attain wealth as long as they master the skillset.”
For more details about Cheat Code Algo, visit
For more details about their philanthropic efforts and for press inquiries, contact
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