By Bobby R. Henry, Sr.
Even the most uninvolved persons in our community know it is time to draw up plans that everyone can at least know or discover. It is time for our leaders to call us together, not to march, not to sing, but to confer with each other and make plans to organize a better life without fear and violence. Plans must include jobs, housing, economic development, and education about our history.
The fascist attacks upon civil society launched by Governor Ron DeSantis upon people of color, gays, the poor, and workers in our state and country are Orwellian. They are the elements of a society long ago where workers, people of color, trans people and small business people had no rights and were beat back into line if they challenged. That is how segregation was organized in the South. That is how Jim Crow developed. We must not let fascism become the dominant force in society. It must be stamped out now.
We call on our leaders to put out a call for our grassroot leaders from across Florida to meet and hear from each other (1) what is going on in all counties; (2) what is the impact of DeSantis’ inspired changes to our schools and communities; (3) what is the impact of right wing fascist agendas on society; (4) what should our priorities be and what should our goals, objectives, strategies, and tactics.
We should not delay having this much needed two or three day meeting. The date set should be at least one month away to allow all who want to come to get the word. A broad base and diverse planning committee for this meeting should be organized right away. The planning committee for the event will dissolve at the close of the conference. A permanent organization and leadership must be put in to place. We have got to set aside our rivalries with each other the challenges of defeating fascism trump our differences with each other.
If not now, when?
Who will lead, who will follow?
What say ye?

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