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There’s a new Dallas Voting Initiative organization

By Jennifer Wimbish, Ph.D. and Sophia Harville

Anthony Marshal
Anthony Marshal

There is no denying, every Presidential election represents a turning point in the history of the United States. The person voted into the office of President significantly impacts the culture and implements policies that will shape the direction of democracy for generations to come.

But what about voting in State elections? Let us not forget about County and City elections. It is critical that our voice is heard at every voting opportunity for the immediate future and for the future of our children. The criticality of voting is re-afirmed every time you hear a member of the Dallas Voting Initiative simply state “To vote is the future of generations to come”.

The Dallas Voting Initiative is part of a larger statewide non-partisan initiative born out of the grass roots organization, the Texas Voting Initiative (a critical coalition, uniting African American organizations, partner organizations, and Churches across Texas). This initiative establishes a governance structure for the cities across Texas in their work to increase voter engagement, education, registration, and turnout. The governance structure promotes cities working together while at the same time driving eficiency and consistency.

To organize the Texas Voting Initiative, a coalition of leaders and members from partner organizations (The National Pan Hellenic Council, NAACP, League of Voters, Churches, etc.,) met to brainstorm and subsequently design a governance structure inclusive of a frame-work for decision-making, multigenerational leadership roles, transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement.

Leaders from Dallas and Houston were given the responsibility of documenting a replicable model to share with the dierent partner organizations across Texas. As a result, a toolkit was created to maximize the use of voter engagement methods (i.e., phone banking, block walking, e-mail blast, and educational seminars) while adhering to the governance structure.

In Dallas the work has begun and members are proud to be one of many organizations in Texas uniting to get our Texas citizens to vote. The following were among the first church partner organizations to implement the Dallas Voting Initiative: Concord Church, Friendship West Baptist Church, St. Luke United Methodist Church, and the Churches of the Interministerial Alliance.

People and Partner Organizations on the Move Britney English, Millennia, and member of St. Luke United Methodist Church said that she is pleased to be working with the Dallas Voting initiative as she is learning from others while facilitating the use of various technologies to support the initiative.

Anthony Marshall, also a member of St. Luke United Methodist Church and social justice leader, noted his Pastor and Church has always been an active and strong supporter of voter registration in their community. In this voting season he has been utilizing the toolkit in his work to ensure people know about the upcoming voting dates so that they are sure to vote.

Dr. Brenda Land, President of the National Council of Negro Women, Inc. (Greater Trinity Section, Dallas), one of the first organizations to unite with the Initiative, is pleased to lead her organization in joining the collaboration.

She noted, “We stand on the backs of great people who fought and gave their lives in order for us to vote. We simply must turn out in large numbers to ensure that we model a behavior that lets our children and grandchildren know our history and the “power of the vote.”

The League of Women Voters, one of the founding members of the Initiative, is pleased to share printed materials, such as bookmarks and voter guides, and other materials available in both printed and electronic forms. Such materials are critical to getting the message out to vote.

The group has a special focus on reaching 22 precincts’ that had high voter registration but a low percentage of individuals voting. Additionally, emphasis is on registering voters and educating them about their choices.

Important Upcoming Voting Dates for 2024

  • Early Voting: Monday, October 21 – November 1, including Saturdays, October 26 and Sunday, October 27.
  • Vote By Mail Ballot Application: Must be Received by Friday, October 25.
  • GENERAL VOTING DAY: November 5.

To join the Dallas Voting Initiative, contact Mr. Casey Thomas at 214.354.3286, Dr. Jennifer Wimbish at, or Dr. Levetta Levels at

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