Because Of Them We Can
By BOTWC Staff
A four-time NBA champion and basketball Hall of Famer, Shaquille O’Neal’s accolades also extend off the court. Over the years, the sports icon has become known for his random acts of kindness, buying 10 pairs of shoes for a 13-year-old whose mom took to the internet for help finding her son’s size 18 shoes, purchasing a home for a family whose 12-year-old son was paralyzed by random gun violence and paying off the engagement ring for a random stranger who happened to be in the jewelry store at the same time. You just never know when an of act of kindness from Shaq is coming on and every time he’s moved to action, the world is a little bit brighter.
This time, Shaq surprised a random fan at a Golden State Warriors game. The man walked out and was shocked to see Shaq right there, walking up to him with a huge smile to acknowledge one of the greatest players of all time. Before the man could even shake his hand good, Shaq began taking off his watch to give it to him.
Visibly emotional, he began sharing how much he loves him and how grateful he is to meet him, sharing that he was a three-time heart attack survivor. “All praises to the most high,” the man exclaimed.
As the two exchanged pleasantries, the man stopped to share what the real value of the moment was, despite Shaq’s generous gift.
“It’s not the watch, it’s you Shaq,” he said.
The two exchanged “I love yous” before parting ways and thank goodness, some other sweet soul caught the entire moment on video. To date, it has already been viewed 2.4 million times. Check it out below because this one is guaranteed to keep you smiling.
Thanks for all you do, Shaq!

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