By Jacquelyn Martin
The Philadelphia Tribune
Reprinted – by Texas Metro News

President-elect Donald Trump is moving quickly on his picks for key Cabinet posts such as attorney general and the secretaries of defense, state, and health and human services.
Some of his picks such as Florida Sen. Marco Rubio for secretary of state are what you would expect from a Republican president.
Other Trump picks such as scandal-ridden former Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz for attorney general and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., anti-vaccinations conspiracy theorist, for secretary of health are irresponsible and dangerous.
Gaetz resigned Nov. 13, effectively ending a House Ethics Committee investigation into allegations that he may have engaged in sexual misconduct, illegal drug use and accepting improper gifts.
Senators should obtain access to the finding of the Ethics Committee investigation before its Judiciary Committee holds confirmation hearings on Gaetz.
The Senate should also make full use of the resources of the FBI to do a background check on Gaetz and other Trump nominees.
The New York Times reports that Trump is taking a “flood-the-zone approach to his Cabinet selections. President-elect Trump is betting that the Senate won’t dare to turn them all down.”
Lawmakers must resist the pressure coming from conservative activists who have threatened to organize primary challengers to senators who vote against Gaetz.
Senators should also send a clear message to Trump not to follow through on threats to use recess appointments to bypass the chamber if they do not approve his nominees.
Trump won the election and deserves to fill his Cabinet and administration with the people of his choosing, including those who are unconventional or controversial.
Considering the fact that defeat of a nominee by a vote in the Senate is rare and considering his powerful influence in the GOP-controlled Senate, most of the Trump nominees will probably be confirmed.
But that doesn’t mean all should be confirmed.
Regardless of who is president, the Senate has exceptionally high authority that should not be undermined. The U.S. Constitution requires the Senate to confirm certain presidential appointments.
Senators must fulfill their constitutional duty by carefully scrutinizing all Trump nominees and rejecting those who are unfit.

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