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Revitalize South Dallas Coalition

Verify details w/sponsors. RSDC does not sponsor/endorse these events

Monday Night Politics May 1st City Council Election Forums

Mondays, March 29th; April 5th; 6pm. On the 22nd, District 6 city council candidates Omar Narvaez, Wendi Macon, Monica Alonzo, Earl Thomas and Tony Carrillo will present their platforms and debate the issues. District 6 includes West Dallas. On the 29th, District 7 candidates (South Dallas, Joppa, Buckner Terrace, Ferguson Road) will debate. And, April 5th, includes District 8 candidates (South Oak Cliff). Contact: Register:

BridgeBuilders: Job Training Program

1st class March 22 – April 9, 2021. Free; 5210 Bexar Street; #103, Dallas, 75215 (Bonton). BridgeBuilders and NRF (National Retail Federation) provide job training thru 3-week courses held monthly through November 2021. Orientation is happening NOW. Topics: Customer Service, Sales, Resume Creation, Interview Prep; and NRF Certification. Contact: Sheldon Norred, 469-621-5912;

Logistics Certification Program: Dallas College

Information Sessions: Wednesday, 31st; 10am. Free. Logistics is the process of delivering goods and services to consumers as quickly and efficiently as possible. It is a rapidly growing industry, especially in Southern Dallas. Consider getting your Manufacturing Skills Standards Council Certification thru Dallas College. You will learn about operations, warehousing, production, distribution, and inventory control. Contact: Interest Form:

“Women Leading in Government”: Virtual Table Talk

Wednesday, March 24, 2021; 11:30am – 12:45pm. Free. In celebration of Women’s History Month, the Dallas Police Department’s Office of Community Affairs, sponsors this event. Topic: “Overcoming Average”. Roundtable panelists will focus on reflection, encouragement, and empowerment. Contact: Ms Foster; 214-671-4045.


“Make Your Website Work for You”: Veteran Women’s Enterprise Center

Thursday, March 25, 2021; 1pm – 2pm. Free. Geared toward veteran women but open to all, learn how to create a dynamic website that drives user action. Questions: Is Your Website Easy-to-Reach? Useful? Functional? Intuitive? Findable by search engines? Maria Duron, Google Trainer and expert business consultant, is the presenter.

Contact: VR Small; Register: businesstrending-thursdays-bgmyr

Runways to Business: Vendor Day 2021 @Love Field

Thursday, March 25, 2021; 1:30pm – 2:30pm. Virtual Microsoft Teams. If you are a contractor, vendor or professional services entrepreneur, learn more about procurement opportunities with Love Field Airport. Presentation includes: How to Register to Do Business with the City; M/WBE & DBE documentation; Upcoming Opportunities. Contact: patricia.

21st Annual Destiny Awards Luncheon: St Philip’s School

Friday, March 26, 2021; 11:30am. Virtual Event. Distinguished author, Isabel Wilkerson, writer of the bestsellers “The Warmth of Other Suns” and “Caste: The Origins of our Discontents”; and a Pulitzer Prize winner, is guest speaker. Tickets: $175.00. Scholarships are available. The Destiny Awards is St. Philip’s largest annual fundraiser. Past guests included Cicely Tyson and Soledad O’Brien. Contact: 214-421-5221. Registration/Tickets:

Jobs & Job Training

Now & Ongoing. The Regional Black Chamber, First Step Community Empowerment and Dallas College have partnered to offer employment assistance. Jobs: Food Production/Quality Control making up to $17/ hour; and Solar Construction Workers making up to $600/week. Training: Construction, and opportunities for those recently released from jail or prison. Requirements vary for each opportunity. Contact: Ralph Adams or Pam Davis; 214-565-8946.

Contact event sponsors to re-verify event information Ken Smith;

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