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Moving Into the Future: What is Good for Dallas County

Faith Johnson
Faith Johnson

I am Faith Johnson and I am running for Dallas County District Attorney against John Creuzot. With just a short time until November 8th, I hope to win not only your vote, but also your friendship.

I hope you enjoyed last week’s article by my friend, Kelli Macatee. It definitely speaks to my heart of serving others from the core of who I am.

Today, I want to talk to you about my love for the rule of law and the importance of being smart on crime. Being smart on crime is something I am deeply committed to because I believe that if I am truly your friend, I am willing to speak the truth in love and the truth is: BEING SOFT ON CRIME BREEDS MORE CRIME AND THAT IS NOT GOOD FOR OUR COUNTY & HER PEOPLE.

As a young girl in the ’70’s, I started my educational career by graduating from Georgia Southern University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and went on to get my master’s degree in Community Counseling.

Obviously tensions were high in a lot of ways, not only in Georgia at the time, but all across the country.

For me, it was an opportunity and I was proud to take it and overcome all the obstacles set before me. I truly believed that the struggle is what builds you and makes you stronger. As I reflect, I can see how every single facet of my résumé has built me up and prepared me for this moment right now.

I eventually made my way to Houston where I graduated from Thurgood Marshall School of Law and as a young, Black, female attorney, I broke through all sorts of barriers by putting my head down, working hard, and honing my craft.

I knew I was gifted in the law, but it takes some time to find what you’re really passionate about in any given field.

For me, that really became clear when I began teaching law in the Dallas County Community College system and was Assistant District Attorney in the Criminal trial section, which led to being the Chief Felony Prosecutor of Child Abuse.

I am passionate about rule and law and true justice that sets the stage for the next generation. When our leaders are not smart on crime, those hit hardest are the poorest in our communities, the needy, and the next generation.

That really gets my blood boiling. It’s our job to protect the orphans and widows and those most in need in our society. I’ve been able to pour every ounce of myself into that mission through my career as a prosecuting attorney and judge.

I am proud of my resume and have an extensive prosecutorial work history with many wins under my belt that I most certainly hold dear in my heart.

Faith Johnson Logo

I could tell you about all kinds of awards I’ve gratefully received, like the Award for Professional Achievement in Jurisprudence presented by Dallas Metropolitan Club of the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women Club.

Or being a three-time recipient of the Outstanding Community Service Awards presented by the NAACP (Waxahachie Branch); C.T.A.C. Or the Award for Professional Achievement in Jurisprudence presented by Dallas Metropolitan Club of the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women Club.

Or I could tell you about being appointed to various positions by governors. All of those are wonderful things presented to me by amazing people and barely scratch the surface of my qualifications for this job.

I treasure all of these accomplishments and hold them and the people that comprise them very closely. However, when I stand before God Almighty, He is not going to ask me for my résumé or my list of wins. He is going to ask me what I did for the least, the lost, the orphan, and the widow. That is what drives me behind the scenes.

To earn your vote, you need to know my deepest drivers. Leading by example and fighting for truth and justice and righteousness, even for those who don’t know how valuable they are yet, is my greatest passion.

I am Faith Johnson and I’m asking you for your vote on November 8th for Dallas County District Attorney and I hope you’ll tell your friends and family about me too!

Political Ad. paid by the Faith Johnson Campaign for Dallas County District Attorney

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