Nearly 30 years ago Sen. Royce West (D-Dallas) established the Dr. Emmett J. Conrad Leadership Program and during a reception last week alumni and sponsors shared stories about the many successes of the program.

With the goal of providing college students in Senatorial District 23 the opportunity to secure and actively participate in internships and to provide them with employment experience in their majors or fields of interests; thousands of students; some second generation participants, have benefited from the Senator’s vision.

In a multi-cultural environment and impacting students attending colleges across the country, Sen. West said he was proud of the program and hopes the “program would be carried out in perpetuity.”

After decades of leadership from the Senator’s team, led by LaJuana Barton (aka Ma Barton), Dr. Sabrina Hodge is now leading the program.

Dr. Emmett James Conrad was a surgeon and Dallas civic leader who was the first African American member of the Dallas Independent School District’s board of trustees and the Texas State Board of Education.

For more information about the program, student qualifications, partnership responsibilities and benefits, student responsibilities and benefits; contact Ms. Hodge at Sabrina.Hodge@untdallas.edu. The applications are now live and being accepted until November 31, 2021. Visit the site to fill out your application to be an intern or a sponsor at www.conradleadership.org.

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