Elected officials, community leaders and leading medical experts will join Lala Healthcare Solutions at their new Pediatric Home Health Training Lab Open House on Thursday, July 8, 2021, from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm at 1341 W. Mockingbird Lane, Suite 113W, Dallas, Texas 75247.
The pediatric home health training lab, the first of its kind in the state of Texas, will provide extensive classes and training to certify nurses in pediatric home health care specifically for LaLa Healthcare Solutions.
“The vision of the lab came from my personal field experience while caring for medically fragile children,” said Chantal Torrain, Founder and CEO. “Having a teaching lab where clinicians can learn on a human simulator, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, is priceless and is particularly needed in pediatric home care. Many children who go home from the pediatric ICU still need full mechanical med- ical equipment to breath. Lala Healthcare Solutions understands the daily struggles and challenges of car- ing for a medically fragile child and knows firsthand the importance of having a highly skilled workforce.” LaLa Healthcare Solutions (LaLa HCS) provides
skilled pediatric home health nursing services and attendant care to children and young adults with special needs. These nursing services are provided in the comfort of the client’s own home to eliminate the need for extended hospitalizations. The services include PDN/Private Duty Nursing, which involves assisting the patient with complex direct skilled nursing care, to develop caregiver competencies through training and education and to optimize patient health status and outcomes.

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