By Juhakenson Blaise

PORT-AU-PRINCE — Unidentified burglars stole at least two rifles, a water pump and six televisions from Haiti’s Parliament, according to Joseph Lambert, the head of the Senate. The Apr. 21 break-in is the second in one week of the lawmaking building.
“The first people to point the finger at in this case are the 18 guards who were on duty,” Lambert told news outlets. “It looks like a staged break-in with insider’s help, either by employees who sleep onsite or with the Parliament police responsible for security.”
The guards will be made available to the Judicial Police Unit, DCPJ, for questioning, Lambert said.
Jerry Robert Figaro, head of the Parliament security unit, told local outlets that he recognizes there are flaws in the security system.
“This is a true lesson for me,” Figaro said. “It’s clear that security plans need to be revised.”
The first happened in the Lower House area and the second in the Senate. Investigators were still looking into the first when the second one took place.
“No one involved in this matter will be spared,” Lambert said.
Lambert promised to take all necessary measures after the investigation to bring all those who are found guilty to justice.

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