LOS ANGELES – Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA-43) has released the following statement in support of Texas State Senator Royce West for the United States Senate:
“Today, I join with my friends and colleagues in Congress representing the State of Texas in endorsing Royce West for the United States Senate. As a respected leader in his community and among many elected officials in Texas who has served in a Republican-controlled State Senate for most of his nearly 30 years of service, Royce West understands how to legislate, working with both Republicans and Democrats to deliver a strong record of public policy achievements.
“In Texas, Royce West pushed a bill that led to the broad deployment and use of body cameras for Texas Police officers and dashboard cameras in their vehicles. In Texas, Royce West led the charge to pass the state’s Hate Crime Law. In Texas, Royce West led the charge to get teachers a pay raise. And in Texas, Royce West passed legislation to create Dallas’ first public university and first public law school.
“In order for the United States Congress to deliver on our promise to ensure affordable health care for all, ensure quality public education for all children, and ensure that every American, regardless of their race or gender, has the opportunity to achieve the American dream, we need steady and experienced leaders like Royce West in the United States Senate. We can’t wait another generation. The United States Senate is lacking in diversity and I believe the American people can only benefit when the United States Congress reflects the diversity of the country we serve. The time for Texas to make history is now and that is why I am very pleased to join Members of the Texas Congressional Delegation in support of Royce West for the United States Senate. He will be a fierce fighter for the people of Texas and I’m asking everyone who is eligible to vote for Royce West on July 14th as the Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate from the State of Texas!”

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