The U.S. Census Bureau will hold a prerelease webinar July 23 to discuss information about the 2020 Census Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics File B (Detailed DHC-B) scheduled for public release Aug. 1.
Tuesday, July 23 at 1 p.m. CDT.
- Alexandra Krause, Population Division
- Evan Brassell, Social, Economic and Household Statistics Division
- Stephanie Galvin, Social, Economic and Household Statistics Division
- Stacy Gimbel Vidal, Public Information Office (moderator)
The webinar will consist of an online presentation. Credentialed media and data users will be able to ask questions following the presentation.
- Webex link: https://uscensus.webex.com/uscensus/j.php?MTID=m658ec7e156cf176a3efcb65627407c94
- Password: Census#1 (if needed)

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