By Allana J. Barefield
Staff Writer
News that the three officers responsible for Breonna Taylor’s death would not go to trial for her murder caused protests across the country and commentary from around the world.
The Kentucky grand jury indicted officer Brett Hankison because of the bullets he fired into the walls of the adjoining apartments upon entering Taylor’s apartment.
Attorney Justin A. Moore said he was upset to hear that the jury voted in the favor of the police officers, but he was not surprised.
“I can see a lot of people feel like they wasted their entire summer fighting for this case and fighting for their voices to be heard,” Moore said, adding that he wished the grand jury was presented with evidence that could have indicated that the case clearly warranted a charge of manslaughter.
Moore said he wanted to see Hankison prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, instead of the possible 15 year sentence he could receive if found guilty of wanton endangerment.
“But there’s not really much there, they didn’t leave us with a lot to hold onto,” he said.

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