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Agenda47: Project 2025 on Steroids

By GeVonna Fassett

While Project 2025 is gaining attention, there’s another plan that deserves even closer scrutiny: Donald Trump’s Agenda47. This isn’t about the 20 carefully crafted principles currently highlighted on his campaign website; it’s about the original 46 tenets of Agenda47 that have quietly disappeared from public view.Both Project 2025 and Agenda47 propose significant changes, but Agenda47 presents an even more extreme vision for the future of our nation.

The Heritage Foundation created Project 2025, a comprehensive plan to reorganize federal agencies and integrate conservative policies throughout the government. But Trump’s Agenda47 expands on these ideas by putting out policies that have the potential to drastically alter American democracy and society. 

Where Project 2025 seeks to reform existing institutions, Agenda47 envisions dismantling them entirely. For example, its proposals include mass deportations using the National Guard, ending birthright citizenship, and imposing ideological tests on educators. These are not just policy changes—they reflect a stark departure from long-standing American values and constitutional principles. 

One of the most striking elements of Agenda47 is its stance on education. While Project 2025 advocates for conservative reforms, Agenda47 proposes the creation of a new educational institution—the American Academy—funded by fines on universities with large endowments, like Harvard University. This would reshape education along partisan lines, rather than merely reforming it. 

Agenda47 also outlines a troubling expansion of executive power. In order to enact significant reforms, it mostly relies on executive orders, which circumvent the legislative process and consolidate authority at the presidential level. In contrast, Project 2025 takes a more conventional tack by operating inside pre-existing governmental structures. 

Perhaps most concerning is Agenda47’s push to politicize traditionally nonpartisan institutions. It aims to restructure the accreditation processes and the civil service while imposing a particular ideological agenda on all tiers of government. Such as replacing tenured government employees with party loyalists. This threatens to drastically change the character of American governance and goes beyond simple issue disputes. 

In essence, Agenda47 pushes Project 2025’s already extreme concepts to dangerous new levels. It symbolizes not just a conservative, but also an authoritarian vision for America that has the potential to destroy our democracy from the ground up. 

As we approach the upcoming election, it’s imperative to understand the full implications of these proposals. Agenda47 is more than just a policy platform; it’s a road map for a significant overhaul of American politics and culture as we know it. It will take us well away from the democratic ideals upon which our country was founded. 

The choice before us is more than just different approaches to policy; it’s a choice between preserving our democratic institutions and embarking on a path that could dismantle them. 

In this context, Agenda47 is not a bold vision for the future, but a serious threat to the core character of America. Perhaps that’s why the original Agenda47 has quietly disappeared from Donald Trump’s website.

GeVonna Fassett is a resident of Carbondale. She is a speaker and author of The Original Agenda47: Project 2025 on Steroids – Unmasking Trump’s Ultimate Plan available now on Amazon. To receive a copy of the transcripts of Donald Trump’s original Agenda47, you can email GeVonna at

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