By Allana J. Barefield
Staff Writer
Noise will be making its way through Dallas communities on October 17 and October 24 with horns beeping and folks cheering; all for the “Pack the Polls” event.
Local leaders have organized a car parade to encourage increased voter turnout and the caravan will begin at 9 am and go until 11 am for both days.
The Dallas Voting Coalition, Our Vote is Our Voice, Dallas National Pan-Hellenic Council, Lit Young Adult Bible Study, DFW Urban League Young Professionals and Heaven 97 KHVN are among the organizations pitching in to help.
Reuben Lael, national communication chair, for DFW Urban League Young Professionals, said he believes this event will help people to start believing in the voting system again.
“We have to lift our voice within our community to reestablish a narrative and a culture where we actually participate in the voting process,” Lael said.
Participants have also been encouraged to decorate their cars.
“Voter turnout has been low in South Dallas, he said. “This is a creative, and a fun way and additionally a safe way for us to empower, encourage those communities, to get engaged.”
Lael said he understands he is standing on the legacy of the late U.S. Congressman John Lewis and that he can’t depend on others; that the work starts with him and that is why he and other organizers hope to see more people make their way to voting locations such as Oak Cliff Sub-Courthouse and the Martin Luther King Center.
“My vote is my voice and my voice is valued,” Lael said.
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