By Allana J. Barefield
Staff Writer
A new elementary school is on the horizon for Dallas ISD and educators are strategizing to open the school in the 2021-2022 academic year. The school will be under the Montessori model since E.E. Walker Middle School is expanding to house more of their students.
“If you look at the data, you’ll see that Dealey, one magnet school that is down-the-street from Walker, has a significant number of applications,” said Brian Lusk, DISD chief of strategic initiatives. “This opportunity of a school that is application-required, but doesn’t have entrance criteria, will allow for the families who are seeking this opportunity to have it in their community.”
North Dallas communities have high interest to see more Montessori opportunities in addition to the five schools presently existing: George Bannerman Dealey, Downtown Montessori, Eduardo Mata, Onesimo Hernandez, and Harry Stone.
The Montessori school method has been used for more than 100 years and focuses on human development.

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