Kwanzaa: December 26th-January 1st
Day One: Umoja (Unity): To remain united in the community
Day Two: Kujichagulia (Self-Determination): To be responsible for yourself and your community
Day Three: Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility): To work together
Day Four: Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics): To create African-American businesses
Day Five: Nia (Purpose): To build and develop the community
Day Six: Kuumba (Creativity): To do as much as we can, in the way we can
Day Seven: Imani (Faith): To believe with all our hearts in our people
2020 Virtual Kwanzaa Celebration: Saturday, December 26, 2020-January 1, 2021. Free. Kwanzaa is an African-American celebration that reaffirms African culture, family and community. Each day, families light a different candle to signify one of 7 principles (unity, self-determination, collective work, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith. Saturday’s program is from 2 pm-3 pm. Times vary daily thru January 1st. Contact: Akwete Tyehimba, Pan African Connection, 214-943-8262;
State Fair of Norma’s. Enjoy all of your state fair favorites but with a twist! at Norma’s Café 8300 Gaylord Pkwy, Frisco. All 5 Norma’s Cafe are participating and open 8 am-8 pm daily.
Available Marketing & Communication Positions: Communities Foundation of Texas and Educate Texas are looking for a Marketing & Communications Associate, and a Director of Marketing & Communications, respectively. Submit your application via cover letter that includes your resume and salary requirements to Job Description:
Every Sunday
Free flu shots available at Parkland’s Neighborhood Clinics from 9 am-12 pm and 1-4 pm at Hatcher Station Women’s Health Center, 4600 Scyene Road, Dallas.
Every Tuesday
Virtual Parenting Classes: 6:15 pm-8:30 pm. Classes offered for parents ages 6-12 where you’ll learn effective ways to communicate and discipline your children. Sponsor: The TurnAround Agenda of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship. Contact: 469-567-1793. Register here.
Attention Future #Quinnites: we are providing Virtual Information Sessions for all prospective students and families. Every Tuesday at 7 pm. Visit Paul Quinn’s website and Sign up
Every Wednesday
Walk-In Wednesdays: Parkland’s Community Oriented Primary Care Health Centers offer flu vaccines. Dallas County residents can get the flu shot without an appointment. 9 am-12 pm & 1-4 pm every Wednesday throughout the winter months. Locations, visit
Parkland’s free flu shots, drive-thru flu and COVID-19 testing Monday-Saturday from 7:30 am to 4 pm at the Ellis Davis Field House, 9191 South Polk St., Dallas
Free Mental Health Counseling: Harmony Community Development Corp offers free mental health counseling. During this pandemic, families are experiencing a heightened sense of anxiety, loneliness, and fear, as well as job loss, isolation, and relationship challenges. Contact: 214-467-6770; Website:
Now-January 2021
Choose Dallas ISD: Choice Schools Options: Did you know that DISD has innovative school models like Magnets, Montessori, single gender, collegiate academies, and traditional neighborhood schools? Let DISD help you choose the best fit for your children. ChooseDallasISD is the district’s annual specialty school application effort via phone banks and online. Information: 972-925-5560. Visit:
December 27th
The World According to Drew with host Andrew Whigham III on 8 am-10 am. Tune in for thought-provoking, enlightening, informative, and entertaining news and commentary. Join the conversation at 646-200-0459 on Andrew’s World.
Carrollton Farmers Market. 10:00 am-1:00 pm. 2722 N. Josey Ln. Carrollton. Every Sunday.
Sunday Dallas Farmers Market, 920 S. Harwood. Hosted by Dallas Farmers Market and Lonestar Specialty Foods. 10 am-5 pm. Info:
Chosen Generation Youth Worship. Host Friendship-West Baptist Church, 2020 W. Wheatland Rd. Stream 11:15 am-12:30 pm. Facebook:
Reggae Brunch Buffet, Host Hero’s Lounge, 3094 N. Stemmons Fwy. 11 am-3 pm. Tickets: The all new Sunday Reggae Brunch!! All You Can Eat Caribbean Brunch Buffet.
Ubuntu Market (Small Business Marketplace) Host Pan African Connection 4466 S. Marsalis Ave. 12-5 pm. Shop Small Businesses. Info email:
A Message For You. I Messenger Media is continuing to provide thought-provoking, informative, enlightening and entertaining news, and commentary. 1 pm. Live on Facebook at TexasMetroNews and
Celebrate Life “Uhambe Nami” Celebrating Life, Love & Hope through global music. By Pan African Connection, 4466 S. Marsalis Ave. 1:30-5 pm. Tickets:
The EPIC Return of BeatStreet Poetry Live Sunday Social. Hosted by Verb Kulture Ent., The Free Man and BeatStreet Poetry Live. The Free Man 2626 Commerce St. 5-8 pm. Tickets:
December 28th
In the Middle with Ashley Moss, a Pointer Koch Fellow with I Messenger Media, LLC. Live on Facebook at TexasMetroNews and at 11 am-1 pm. Questions? Call 646-200-0459.
Makin’ Money Mondays hosted by Wealth Architect and Kirsten Elise Dunn. Need some financial wisdom? We got you covered. Our hosts Kirsten Elise Dunn, successful social entrepreneur and real estate investor, and Jack Waldron, Executive VP at Five Rings Financial. On Facebook Live @WealthArchitect. 11:15 am-11:45 am. FREE!
Prairie Lights Drive-Thru Holiday Light Experience. Lynn Creek Park at Joe Pool Lake 5610 Lake Ridge Pkwy, Grand Prairie 6-10 pm. Tickets:
Marvelous Marriage Mondays at Friendship-West Baptist Church 2020 W. Wheatland Rd. 7:00 pm-8 pm. Helping Marriages be More Marvellous! This is a ministry of the Covenant Keepers which is the Marriage Community of Friendship-West Baptist Church. Register online at
The Ultimate Monday Night Jazz Jam with Shelley Carrol. Event by The Free Man, 2626 Commerce St. 7-10 pm.
December 29th
DFW News & Tings with Jirah Nicole from 11 am-1 pm. Live on Facebook at TexasMetroNews and Join in on the conversation.
The Doc Shep Speaks Show from 11 am-1 pm. Live on Facebook at TexasMetroNews, fnsconsulting, and on YouTube at docshepspeaks
Vitruvian Lights hosted by Vitruvian Park. Vitruvian Park 3966 Vitruvian Way, Addison. 5-11 pm. FREE PARKING & ENTRY.
Kimbell Art Museum Presents Queen Nefertari’s Egypt. The One for Whom the Sun Shines. Beautiful Companion. First Royal Spouse. Tickets:
December 30th
I Was Just Thinking with Norma Adams-Wade from 11 am-1 pm. Live on Facebook at TexasMetroNews and Call in and join the conversation at 646-200-0459.
Ask Dr. Amerson Radio Show at 11 am CST. Healthy hair/scalp care tips, alopecia discussion, our award-winning product line and more on
#NationBuilding w/ Michael Sorrell at 12:30 pm. CT on Facebook & Twitter. Follow Paul Quinn College’s President, Michael Sorrell on all social media platforms. @MichaelSorrell on Twitter & Instagram and @MichaelJSorrell on Facebook.
Walk-In Wednesdays Parkland’s Community Oriented Primary Care health centers (COPCs) offer flu vaccines. Dallas County residents can get their flu shot without an appointment from 9 am to noon and from 1-4 pm. Wednesday’s throughout the winter months. Locations: visit
Hollywood Live! With Michael “Hollywood” Hernandez and co-host Shavonda “With a V” Fields, from 2 pm-4 pm.
Meet A Black Mental Health Professional: We Are Here, hosted by Dr, Tanisha Guy & Megan Pickens, LPC-S. 7 pm-9 pm. A two-hour event will introduce you to 20 Black mental health professionals. Register:
December 31st
The Bare Truth with Allana J. Barefield. Live on Facebook at TexasMetroNews and at 11 am-1 pm. Questions? Call 646-200-0459.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Contest Submission Deadline at 5 pm. Dallas high school seniors and first-year college or trade school students—who live in Dallas—are eligible. Your essay must include a separate cover letter that includes personal information. Essays cannot exceed 1000 words for high school applicants, or 1500 words for college students. Theme: “The Fierce Urgency of Now.” You should describe a social justice issue that you would like to solve. Apply at
SIP and Eat with LaShante‘ “The Lifestyle Chef.” LaShante Williams, Every Thursday at 7 pm CST on FB live and IG live and
Musicians In the Park. A series of Thursday night concerts at Klyde Warren Park, 2012 Woodall Rodgers Fwy. 7-8 pm. Also streaming on
SoulJazz Thursday Under The Stars feat. Natural Change at 813 Sandaga, 813 Exposition Ave 8:00 pm-12:00 am Bring your own lawn chairs and come enjoy the sounds of Natural Change under the stars. Food Truck, BBQ, Hookahs, and Cigars. Doors open at 8 pm. There is limited seating available. More info: visit or email
January 1st
The Valder Beebe Show on 9 am. CT.
From Marva with Love with Marva Sneed Live on Facebook at TexasMetroNews and at 11 am-1 pm. Questions? Call 646-200-0459.
Friendship-West Presents Spiritual Care hosted by Be Made Whole Counseling Center. Fridays. Spiritual Care of our souls helps to encourage us through difficult times. 1:00 pm CDT via Zoom: Click the link below and make sure you enter the access code. Access Code: 856 703 6848.
January 2nd
Mountain View Church Of Christ’s Free Groceries Drive-Thru: 7979 E. R.L. Thornton Fwy, 9 am-noon.
A Message For You, “The Stimulus Show” Live on Facebook at TexasMetroNews and at 11 am-1 pm. Questions? Call 646-200-0459.

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