Paul Quinn College is a private, faith-based four-year historical liberal arts institution founded in 1872. It is the first of its kind west of the Mississippi River. The college seeks students who excel both academically and in servant leadership.
Paul Quinn will celebrate virtually 149 years of existence, and Quinn alumni will present a substantially large donation to the college. All Alumni are asked to help raise funds for this donation. Please ask family, friends, church, co-workers, and business owners to contribute to this fundraiser. Any amount or assistance that you can provide toward this fundraising endeavor will be greatly appreciated.
All proceeds benefit Paul Quinn, and all donations are tax deductible.
If you attended PQC, contact one of the Dallas Chapter representatives to see how you can participate. You may call or text President James Ingram at 214-536-2203, VP Eula Jones at 214-677-6678, or Committee Chair Ruby Baker at 972-467-1013. Also, you may mail donations to: Paul Quinn Alumni, P.O. Box 41248, Dallas, TX 75241. A Proof-of-Giving form will be provided for TAX purposes. Contact by 10/30/2020.
The Dallas Chapter thanks you for your contribution and willing-spirit to help us reach our goal in advance.
For questions, contact any of the above or Ruby Baker via email at

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