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The Purpose of Funerals

Funerals are a ceremony to honor, remember, and celebrate the life of a loved one. A funeral can come in many forms, but the primary purpose is to memorialize a person who impacted your life through a meaning relationship. There is hurt when a loved one passes, but we should look for ways to celebrate how someone contributed to our lives. Funerals can offer continuity and hope for the living.

The memorialization of someone allows the grief or hurt we feel on the inside begin to come outside and begin the process to recover from the loss. When we love or cherish someone, a funeral allows us to say goodbye.

Funerals also bring family and friends together to remember how all these relationships started and recognizing the importance of the similarities of shared experiences and passages in life together. This point of remembrances motivates us the will to live not just for ourselves but for others.

A funeral allows us to reflect on the meaning of life and death. We realize we are here temporarily and rethink how to make our own life more meaningful and make every day we have be significant.

A ceremony allows us to express individually and collectivity in many forms what a person has meant to us. Expression can come in the form of a speech, a poem, music, dance, or social gathering. Public expression relieves grief and promotes sharing our common beliefs, thoughts, and feelings.

At Black and Clark Funeral Home, we work for you to have a meaningful funeral. We spend all the time you need to plan a program and memorialization that fulfills your family form of expression. Using visuals, program, and/or various forms of social media, we communicate the news of the passing of your loved one and when the funeral will occur.

A funeral is part of the living experience. We want your funeral to be meaningful and successful.

Black and Clark is located at 2517 East Illinois Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75216. The office phone number is 214-376-8297. Next month, we will discuss making funeral arrangements.

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