July 17, 2024, was an incredibly special day for Ever Ready Lodge No. 506, as it marked the 100th anniversary of a Lodge that has been a beacon of light in the Greater Houston and Fort Bend communities for over one hundred years.
For the past century, Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 has been instrumental in fostering fellowship and making a positive impact within the community. This incredible 100-year milestone is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and Brotherhood that each member, past and present, has brought to the Ever Ready Lodge No. 506.
Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 is considered as one of the most progressive Lodges in the entire State of Texas. Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 has the most members to hold, be elected to, or be appointed to Grand Lodge offices because of the numerous Masonic works done by its members.
The primary mission of Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 is to provide financial support to other non-profit Masonic Organizations that have education tuition assistance programs and to non-Masonic Organizations that aid individuals who need help with shelter, food, or clothing. Another important focus is to promote the welfare of its members and support the local higher educational institutions in the area.
As Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 continues to celebrate 100 years of service to the Greater Houston and Fort Bend County communities, it is important to reflect on their rich history and the activities they have held this year to memorialize the legacy they have built to inspire generations to come and impact the community in a positive way.
On June 21st, Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 was honored as the District 16 Lodge of the Year for the Masonic Year 2023-2024.

On July 20th, the Brothers of Ever Ready Lodge No. 506. held their Centennial Breakfast at Safari Texas in Richmond, TX, where they kicked off the official celebration of their 100-year anniversary. They also received various proclamations and recognitions from elected officials and acknowledged all individuals who purchased one of the limited commemorative Centennial Coins that was established as a fundraiser to support the “HPGM Herman Gabriel Educational Assistance Fund” and other Lodge operations, functions, and activities.
Following the breakfast, the Monument Unveiling Ceremony took place at the Lodge in Rosenberg, TX, which has a picture of the current Lodge Hall and the names of the 21 Past Masters of Ever Ready Lodge No. 506.
On August 3rd, Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 was able to bless 109 children with much needed Back-to-School supplies and other services.
On September 3rd, Worshipful Master Romanus Iheanacho Jr. of Ever Ready Lodge No. 506, alongside Grand Right Worshipful Senior Warden Frank Jackson, representing The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas, had the distinct honor of being presented with officially signed articles from the historic National Prince Hall Slavery Remembrance Day Program and Legislative Update held by Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 Honorary Past Master, U.S. Congressman Al Green, in Washington D.C. on August 10th of this year.
Congressman Green, in partnership with the Conference of Grand Masters Prince Hall Masons, Inc., and the United Supreme Councils, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern and Northern Jurisdictions Prince Hall Affiliation (PHA), signed the proclamation to honor the memory of those who suffered under slavery and to codify a pledge to educate future generations about the horrors of slavery, as well as promote social justice and equality.
Then, to capsulize the year’s celebration, Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 held its 20th Annual Trailblazers Awards Banquet on October 26th at the Houston Marriott Sugar Land. The event was emceed by former KMJQ-Majic 102.1 FM radio personality Dana Jackson and featured an inspirational keynote message from Wilbert M. Curtis, Past Grand Master of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas. The Honorable Michael T. Anderson, the 22nd Grand Master of the Prince Hall Masons of Texas, was also in attendance.
Several thousand dollars were raised and given out to charities and for scholarships as part of this annual, Centennial-year fundraiser. Three community leaders were also honored during the event, including City of Missouri City Councilmember Lynn Clouser, who was honored for her contributions and advocacy in the autism community over the past 15 years. A donation of $2,000.00 was given on her behalf to the organization, Hope For Three, which will help families get the assistance they need for their loved ones who are living with autism. Ferrell Bonner was honored for his contributions and advocacy to Veteran Affairs. A donation of $2,000.00 was given on his behalf to the organization, Universally (M.A.D.E.) Making A Difference Everyday. Lastly, Tannie Coward, a nine-year Congestive Heart failure survivor, was honored for her contributions and advocacy towards heart health. A donation of $2,000.00 was given on her behalf to the organization, WomenHeart, which has a mission to improve the lives of women with or at risk for heart disease while fighting for equity in heart health.

Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 was formerly organized and issued a Charter from The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas on July 17, 1924.
The late A. W. Jackson was the first Worshipful Master. The Worshipful Master is the highest-ranking officer in a Masonic Lodge.
Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 served all eligible men in the surrounding areas of Fort Bend County, including the cities of Needville and Rosenberg.
During the 1940s, Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 grew rapidly in membership, predominately from Needville, Texas. Master Masons, A.W. Jackson and Will Routt, collectively organized a Lodge in Needville. Most of the men who resided in Needville joined the newly formed Lodge named Routt’s Pride.
Present records indicate the following Brothers served as Worshipful Masters of Ever Ready Lodge No. 506: A. W. Jackson (1924-1931); P. L. Lawrence (1931-1935); N. A. Smiley (1935-1936); A. W. Jackson again (1936-1937); Earnest Grant (1937-1938); Will Routt (1938-1949); Carl Newsome (1949-1954); Sherman Wilson (1954-1975); Thomas H. Routt (1975-1981), who was also the sitting State District Judge of District Court 208; Herman L. Gabriel (1981-1994); Jeremiah Smith (1994-1998); James E. Hooper (1998-2001); Clarence B. Douglas (2001-2002); Floyd W. Heard (2002-2005); Robert E. Willis, Jr. (2005-2007); Darryl W. Mills (2007-2010); John G. Johnson (2010-2013): Franklin Meyers (2013-2015); Patrick D. Lewis (2015-2017); Derek D. Woods (2017-2019); Rev. Marlon Heard (2019-2022); Demetrius Lee, Sr. (2022–2024); and Romanus Iheanacho (2024-present).
The members moved into the new Hall in January 1993. This was an important development since Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 had previously rented meeting space until 1960, when land was purchased and paid for over the next five years. An unused Church building was purchased and moved to the current address, located at 429 West Street in Rosenberg, TX. This served as the Lodge Hall until construction began on the present Hall. During the period of 1981 through 1994, construction began on the new Lodge Hall at its present site. During that time most of the finishing touches were added to the new Hall with the assistance of James E. Hooper, Reginald Best, Jeremiah Smith, and Dr. U. W. Watkins, Jr., who served as the Building Chairman.
From the early 1940s until present, Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 has been a viable and noticeable force in Fort Bend and surrounding counties. Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 conducted Voter Registration drives and used the Lodge Hall as the headquarters for such. Scholarships have been given annually to graduating high school students; financial donations have been made to the Richmond State School; to Senior Citizens in Richmond, Rosenberg, Missouri City, and Sugar Land; the Robert C. Tate Center; the Fort Bend County Women’s Shelter of Richmond; at Channel 13 Annual Food Drives; and to other cities and towns in the area.
The Brothers of Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 also belong to various Appendant Bodies, such as: Norris Wright Cuney Order of the Eastern Stars; Heroines of Jericho; Heroines of Templar Crusades; and Order of the Golden Circle. Many of its members also belong to Concordant Bodies, such as: Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; Doric Shrine Temple # 76 of Houston; the York Rite Holy Royal Arch Masons; Knights Templar; Scottish Rite Masons; and there are many 32nd and 33rd Degree members who have held elected offices.
Ever Ready Lodge is a subordinate Lodge of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas and its Jurisdiction. The Grand Lodge of Texas was organized in 1875 and owes its allegiance to the formation of African Lodge #459 in Boston, MA, which was organized by the first Grand Master, Prince Hall.
Other members of Ever Ready Lodge No. 506, who have held community, civic, religious, and other positions of trust are hereby mentioned: Dr. Parnell Avery; Dr. Paris Bransford; Dr. Robert Galloway; Dr. U. W. Watkins, Jr.; Dr. James C. Eatson; Dr. Timothy Anderson; Dr. William A. Kern; Dr. James C. Watson; Dr. Charles Speller; Judge Joel Clouser; U.S. Congressman Al Green; Judge Cecil Bush; Judge John Peavy; Judge Michael R. Fields; Federal Magistrate Judge Calvin Botley; Judge Harrison Gregg, Jr.; Judge Fad Wilson; Judge Ronald Nicholas; Attorney Elton Lockins; Eric McFerran; State Representative Harold V. Dutton, Jr.; State Representative Ronald Reynolds; City of Houston Health Director Dr. James C. Watson; Harris County Commissioner El Franco Lee; Attorney Willie H. Coleman; Law Enforcement: Fort Bend County Constable Ruben Davis; Missouri City Councilmember Jeffrey L. Boney; Deputy Troy Mayfield; Lieutenant Gary Majors; City of Wharton Senior Patrolman Donald Chaney; City of Houston Sergeant Clarence B. Douglas; Sergeant Ruben Anderson, Houston Homicide Division; Officer A. J. Mark, Solo Patrol, Texas Department of Public Safety; Captain Gerald Brown; Sergeant Michael Ellison, Harris County Sheriff Department; Metro Police Department Lieutenant John W. Wiggins, III; Metro Police Department Captain Carl V. Clark; Reverend Bill Lawson; Reverend Robert McGee; Reverend Emanuel Barnes; Reverend Marlon Heard; and Roosevelt Petry Jr.
Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 was awarded Lodge of the Year 2007-2008 by the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of Texas. That same year, Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 Past Master Clarence B. Douglas Jr. was named Master Mason of the Year for his “Outstanding and Devoted Service” to the Lodge and the community.
Here’s to Ever Ready Lodge No. 506 providing 100 years of excellence and many more to come!

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