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From Marva With Love: Dalphna Curtis

By Marva J. Sneed

On a recent show, I interviewed Dalphna Curtis, a doctoral candidate in Public Administration and Law. The founder of JFS Women’s Center, a hub of over-60 help organizations in the Dallas, TX area and the founder of PC Center the only Black-woman owned accredited technology school in the USA, she was awarded Minority Business of the Year in 2016 by Dallas Business Journal. Her bio truly speaks to her as a woman who advocates for businesswomen.

MS: You are the founder of two successful Women’s Centers. What type of help do these centers provide for businesswomen?

DC: In the Women’s Center we did everything in the community and we helped people I would say we call the working poor or the working homeless. We spend so much time helping but at this time I’ve kind of altered my business somewhat, especially with this pandemic going on. What I’m doing now is helping place people in jobs for companies that are affected by the Coronavirus for First Responders. That’s my main thing right now. I’m working on getting employees ready and prepared so that they can get jobs as relief workers for First Responders.

MS: How are you reaching out to people to get them involved?

DC: So many people have lost jobs, my school has changed. Now I’m mostly doing placement instead of training because of the things that are going with the pandemic. What I’ve always done is to place people in high demand occupations. And so right now what I’m doing is I have identified the high-demand occupations or the Department of Labor has and then I work with them in making sure that they get enough employees.

So I have what I call reserve workers or relief workers. The way I do it is research for the highest demand like right now. We know the highest demand is in New York City and New Orleans. They are predicting it’s going to get worse in Dallas; it’s one of the hot spots that they think will have a shortage of healthcare professionals.

And so I can go anywhere in the world. It’s wonderful we can work from home on our computers. So what I do is contact hospitals or they will contact me. So I have a process that I use that I’ve always used to find employees. I have almost 300 medical professionals in the DFW area.

There was so much more to our interview. We are going to have her back on the show. She had more to say about the Coronavirus. 

Follow Dalphna Clark or contact her at, FB & Twitter @wix. YouTube Channel: TxBusinessWomen & Dalphna Curtis @brokenfeeling.

Tune in to “From Marva with Love” Fridays from 11 am to 1 pm on

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