Dear Reader,
Black and Clark Funeral Home is pleased to have an opportunity to reach you monthly. Black and Clark is looking forward to sharing with you information about funeral and memorial services provided by Black and Clark. More so, we want to keep you informed about your rights when buying funeral goods and services.
At Black and Clark, we respect and appreciate you, the consumer, and want to keep you informed about topics that are important when making very difficult decisions. Each month, we will write about topics such as: “The Purpose of Funerals,” “Creating a Meaningful Service,” “Pre-Planning a Funeral,” Decisions You Make during Arrangements” and many more topics that will be beneficial for you and your family.
Black and Clark want you to have a memorable and positive experience when it is time to memorialize your loved-one. Black and Clark Funeral Home is 105 years old and has served many families in North and South Dallas. Black and Clark was started Samuel Black in 1914. C. J. Clark purchased his uncle’s shares in the business in 1935.
Since then, Black and Clark has provided the community with courtesy, kindness, integrity, and above all, honesty. Now, Linda A. Mitchell is President and Chief Executive Officer of Black and Clark Funeral Home. She and other members of the funeral home will write about topics that will help you learn about subjects that are important to know and be prepared when death occurs.
Black and Clark Funeral Home is located at 2517 E. Illinois Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75216. The office number is 214-376-8297. Black and Clark looks forward to discussing various topics over the next months. We also encourage you to write us with your questions. Black and Clark is here for you and we have a team of experts who are ready to assist.

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