
About Your Hair: Alopecia Month Series: Autism and Alopecia

By Dr. Linda Amerson

There are over 100 categories of Alopecia. We will explain the correlation of Autism and Alopecia. Author Dr. Fredrica Douglas-Kennedy, who is an Occupational Therapist and expert in working with children diagnosed with autism and other disabilities, shared very insightful information. Autism affects 1 in 66 males, more than three times more common than women according to statistics. Autism has a spectrum, various levels. It is a neurological disorder. Many parents do know they have rights for their school-aged children who are diagnosed. One of the most important things a parent or caregiver can do is to learn the early signs of Autism

Become familiar with the typical developmental milestones your child should be reaching. Ask your pediatrician, family doctor for an evaluation and screening your child for Autism. Some of the red flags for an autism spectrum disorder for children include:

• No big smiles or other warm, joyful expressions by six months or thereafter.

• No back-and-forth sharing of sounds, smiles, or other facial expressions by nine months.

• No babbling by 12 months.

• No back-and-forth gestures such as pointing, showing, reaching, or waving by 12 months.

• No words by 16 months.

• No meaningful, two-word phrases by 24 months.

• Any loss of speech, babbling, or social skills at any age.

Why do many Autistic people suffer from Alopecia? The GI system has problems with medication side effects. Including constipation, trichotillomania, hair thinning dermatitis, triangular alopecia, and alopecia areata. Low trace mineral deficiencies of zinc and copper were revealed in a 2011 report. Seizures are common. Medical marijuana has been tested and proven to assist teenagers and older people. They only experience one seizure weekly in many studies.

Dr. Kennedy also revealed, children and adults are very creative. Are very artsy, great in music, and computer programs. A few famous Autistic males include Albert Einstein, Dan Aykroyd, James Durbin, Matthew Laborteaux, Christopher Knowles and popular America’s Got Talent contestant Kodi Lee. Kodi, who is both blind and Autistic, plays the piano and a talented singer. 

In addition, a few famous females on the spectrum include Susan Boyle, Courtney Love, Ladyhawke, Daryl Hanna, Elizabeth Hughes, Amanda Baggs, and Alexis Wineman–the 1st Miss America contestant with Autism to compete in the Miss Montana pageant. Professor/Author Temple Grandlin, Colorado University, was featured in a 2010 HBO autobiography Temple Grandlin

In 1988, the Academy Awards chose Rain Man for Best Motion Picture. This movie spotlighted autism, with actors Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman. Many other movies, songs, poems, videos, and books have spotlighted autism spectrum disorder. World Autism Day is April 22nd. For more information, go to or Dr. Fredrica Douglas-Kennedy at

Dr. Linda Amerson, Board Certified Trichologist, LA’s Hair & Scalp Clinic, Arlington, TX 76013, 817-265-8854

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