Sometimes I think I channel the wisdom of my grandmother, Lucille “Big Mama” Allen so deeply that she is most likely smiling in heaven saying to God, “he waited until I was long gone before he learned anything!”
This particular wisdom, “Don’t let Crazy rule you,” rang true for my sisters before I even could grasp the lesson. It wasn’t until I was in my senior year at Southern Methodist University that I can say that I learned to breath, pray and then let go of all those emotions that had absolutely no positive effects on my life.
She declared a promise to me that everything she told would get me through every rough patch, every trial and every tribulation. She also told me that as I grew I would find God’s promise in her lessons.
One day, during my transition from student to graduating senior, she called me to tell me, “You must always be happy about what you have because people will have crazy ideas about what you should be based on your success.”
Then she shared Philippians 4:11-13 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Immediately after reading scripture, Big Mama said, “Do not let unhealed humans make you stray from your purpose. “
She explained that I had to find the strength to find contentment during trouble times because it is easy during good times. She directly stated, “Don’t beg God for stuff when you are troubled if you are not praising God for the good things.”
I learned through her wisdom to understand while on my journey it will be paved with promising people. People, who promise, yet lack the wherewithal to be inclusive. They intentionally want to dampen your light because they cannot let go of the darkness they are working with.
Individuals without God’s promise are on a journey of disinformation and ill will. Big Mama said they live in a “crazy” that has become normal for them. Big Mama definitely wanted everyone in her family to break the chain and let go of bad but strongly held beliefs.
She knew that if we let go of belief systems that were of no good, we could say goodbye to the bad and embrace a Greater Good.
Right now, the tide is turning on COVID-19. The numbers are going down. Yet, we still have those who do not believe in vaccinations, masks and social distancing, There are those who believe the election was stolen still! There are also those that believe there is no virus and vaccines do more harm than good.
I just want to tell them: “DON’T LET CRAZY RULE YOU! BREATHE AND LET GO!” Say goodbye to 2020 finally! Let me know if you are ready to let go of “Crazy” at
Terry Allen is an award-winning media professional, journalist, and entrepreneur. He is also the founder of City Men Cook and 1016 Media. Reach him at

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