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Quit Playin: Shine Darrell, Shine!

By Vincent L. Hall

The 12th of May was one hell of a day When the news got around To all the seaport towns That the great Titanic was sinking down.

“Shine, and the Titanic” predates the term “spoken word” and was better known as signifying. The recitation is not as famous as Rudy Ray Moore’s rendition of “The Signifying Monkey. However, “Shine, and the Titanic” is much deeper in content and construct. Shine was forgotten until last week when one of Donald Trump’s bootlicking, colorized, itinerate Negro preachers tried to get at me on Twitter. It was déjà vu all over again. The words that once emanated from my daddy’s joke album rang out, “Shine, Shine, sit yo’ Black ass down. “Dr.” Darrell Scott, the original eunuch chosen to bear Trump’s cross, was dumb enough to hit back at me. Now, granted, I could easily be considered the aggressor. He made a statement, and I threw a punch. But in the world of social media, it’s a major faux pas to punch below your level. In other words, you never respond to critics who have a fraction of your fan base. This fool has 200,000 followers, and less than 2,000 follow me.

“Dr.” Darrell aka King Conk, has no doctoral degree. The “honorary” citation is said to come from an unaccredited college with questionable standing. “Dr.” Darrell is the listless lackey assigned with bringing Black preachers into Trump’s wheelhouse. The ill-fated introduction was promoted as an endorsement and stirred controversy. Trump is an insult to the history of Black theology. Period! Trump wanted to legitimize his racism, so he rented this Negro. The 14th Amendment ended slavery but said nothing about leasing. Scores of shameless Black men like Injustice Clearance Thomas, Uncle Ben Carson, and others sell their souls for “thirty shekels.” Unfortunately, every few thousand they rake in costs African-Americans billions of dollars in policies and practice.

“Dr.” Darrell has been castigated rather thoroughly but apparently has no other means of support. He dons the proverbial red captain’s jacket and posits himself on the White House grass. Scott is Trump’s leading “Lawn Jockey” now that the Trumpism killed Herman Cain. Shine was always made to sound like a silly shiftless ship-hand in the prose, but I understand his wisdom as the years grow on. When the Titanic set out in April of 1912, Negroes were not allowed on board the luxury liner, except as workers. Shine was among that fortunate or fateful few. The “Disaster Song Tradition” webpage explanation is more succinct than any this pen could concoct.

“Shine, an old Black stoker on the Titanic, who repeatedly warns the white captain of the impending disaster and is ignored and insulted. Throughout the song, Shine humbly gives updates on the sinking ship. In his heroism, Shine refuses money from millionaires, sexual favors from white women, and finally abandons the ship and manages to swim to shore. He is found drinking in a New York bar when news of the Titanic‘s demise arrives. His advice – “gets your ass in the water and swim like me.” “Dr.” Darrell ain’t as shrewd as Shine. Shine never professed to be a man of the cloth, a friend to the president, or a Black intellectual. But Shine had enough sense to know when to abandon ship. This weak-backed, pitiful excuse for a man known as “Dr.” Darrell will drown on Trump’s Titanic. “Shine, Shine, sit yo’ Black ass down.” For all of your efforts to steer Blacks toward Trump, you deserve to sink with your Commander and his ship! And by the way, Eunuchs don’t “deeze!” Silly Negro!

P.S.: Calling out Black preachers is usually off-limits for me. “Dr.” Darrell forfeited his Black card!

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