
OUR VOICES: Vice President is a Weighty Title

By James B. Ewers Jr. Ed.D.

The title vice president means you are in charge. It means you have oversight for an area or a division. The buck stops with you. You give others the credit and you take the blame when things don’t go well. Having a thick skin is a must if you wear that title.

When people know you have that title, they expect action and decisions, not excuses. The decisions you make can be both popular and unpopular.

Sometimes decisions are made without the facts. As a result, people are affected in negative ways.

How do you get the facts and the information that you need? Obviously, you must have a high degree of competence in your area of supervision.

Equally as important is that you must surround yourself with good people who will tell you the truth.

I have had the privilege of having the title of vice president. Prior to assuming that title in higher education, one of my mentors who was a college president told me that I would have to quickly decide whether I wanted to be liked or respected.

I always wanted to be respected and humbly I believe that I was.

Like most Americans, I am watching the political landscape closely. The Republican National Convention was held a few weeks ago.

Donald Trump chose as his vice-presidential running mate, JD Vance, a US Senator from Ohio.

Upon Mr. Trump’s announcement, people in the GOP were excited as they thought he could bring some energy to the campaign.

Plainly and bluntly, it has not worked out that way. These comments are being made by members of his own party. They say he is off message and doesn’t move people. I suspect the word is bland without seasoning.

Senator Vance has made unkind and insensitive remarks about women.

He has created gender bias of the worst kind. He is finding out that making inflammatory comments about women is not in his best interests.

He was chosen as Mr. Trump’s running mate not knowing that Vice President Kamala Harris would become the Democratic presidential nominee.

He was chosen according to insiders as the candidate who could appeal to a certain demographic within the Republican Party.

Has he or will he appeal to them? The jury is still debating that question. It is my opinion that so far, he has not. Mr. Vance is lukewarm, average and mediocre.

Former president Trump’s choice last time is a lot different than this time. Mike Pence was a savvy politician with a mind of his own.

Whether you are a Pence fan or not, he didn’t succumb to Mr. Trump when it came time to uphold the 2020 election results. Mind you, he almost lost his life for it.

In recent comments, Mr. Trump said, “Vance has no impact on the election.” Are you surprised by his comments? You shouldn’t be. That is vintage Trump as he is only thinking of himself.

As time marches on to the election, Senator Vance is going to have to make himself relevant. Right now, he’s not even giving his audiences a good filibuster.

The only way for him to shine is to have the light of Trump shine on him. He must be on the same stage as the former president to gain any traction. Without him, he is a political ghost.

Critics are saying they are suffering from buyer’s remorse. Supporters are silent because they don’t want to embarrass him publicly.

However, Mr. Vance says, “The media wants to attack me, and reporters are too focused on sarcasm.”

Is he right?

The Ohio Senator is in a quag-mire of “weird” along with his partner, Mr. Trump. Attacking your opponents by making false claims and outright lies won’t get it. That is all that they do. Mr. Vance’s boat has already taken on water, and it is sinking fast.

Dr. James B. Ewers, Jr. is a longtime educator who hails from Winston Salem, N.C. Ewers is a life member of the NAACP and a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.

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