By James B. Ewers Jr. Ed.D.
I have learned over the years that there are two kinds of sense, common sense and nonsense. The former will get you a long way in life and the latter not so much.
Common sense comes with a set of standards and values that most of us learned when we were coming of age. Fortunately, it has stuck with most of us. However, some of us have gone astray which has led us to talking nonsense. It is just wayward thinking, and it has taken us into a forest of illogical ideas and philosophies. We have fallen into a pit of senselessness and hopelessness.
How did we go from having dignity and respect for all people to only having it for some people. That failed logic has affected the Republican presidential ticket and their followers. They have written some of us off. We don’t matter and we serve as collateral damage.
We the people have listened to them make salacious and sickening comments about women and people of color like me. If you are Black or Brown in America, what possible reason do you have for voting for those two characters.
Women, what possible reason can you articulate about voting for both of them? They want to control you in every way. Read the Republican Proposal 2025 and I believe you will change your mind.
I am both saddened and shocked at the vileness of some of their comments. If you have female friends who are Democrats, you may want to give them a call and ask for what I am calling political forgiveness. Just say you are sorry for temporarily losing your mind.
The Harris-Walz ticket is moving steadfastly and historically towards being in the White House. It is clear to everyone that the Democratic Party has become energized and engaged. Some would say the Democrats have risen from the ashes. When you think about where they were 4 weeks ago and compare that to now, it is truly amazing. “Do you believe in miracles” asked Al Michaels in the 1980 Olympics when the US Hockey team beat the Soviet Union in the semi-finals. The answer was yes!
Now, we have another such moment, this time in the political arena. The Harris-Walz Democratic ticket has become a migraine headache for the other party. Right now, they don’t have an answer. It is not that they are trying, it is simply that the attacks and insults aren’t working. Their integrity has always been in short supply, so they are stooped and duped. Will it change? We’ll see.
They have been awkward and slow to build a counter-offensive. I suspect their team of writers and ad consultants are trying their best. It is simply difficult to counter truth and honesty.
We are getting closer to the November election and we will have an opportunity to vote for reasonable, clear-minded people to run our country. We will need people like Vice-President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz who believe in country over self.
Some many years ago, I had the opportunity to meet and to take a picture with Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm. It was a defining moment for me. She wrote a book entitled, Unbought and Unbossed. The theme of this book for me at least was that you govern for all the people and not yourself and a few friends. This book should be a must-read for every politician.
Drivers of the axis of evil have shown their disgusting and disdainful presence. Can they be stopped? The answer is a resounding yes, they can. The voice and the vote of the people will push them into the sea of scorn and shame.
Our task in November is to vote for reasonable people who will keep America first. That must be our joyous plea each day. Do you remember the singing group, McFadden and Whitehead? Ain’t no stopping now, we’re on the move !
Dr. James B. Ewers, Jr. is a longtime educator who hails from Winston Salem, N.C. Ewers is a life member of the NAACP and a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.

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