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Cheryl's World

MY TRUTH: Dear Airlines…

By Cheryl Smith

We know that in the air, you all, meaning the pilots and flight attendants rule; you are the final say-so, ruler, authority, god.

So, if you are; then what’s wrong with acting decent and in order?

Now I know some hit dogs are going to holler. You might even try to find out if I fly and have me banned from the air! If they are honest with themselves, they will agree that some of the things they do and say are totally out of line, inappropriate, unnecessary, and wouldn’t be done if their bosses or supervisors were standing over them!

And that is not only the litmus test, but the indictment of an entire culture that has become more and more disrespectful.

Which brings me to my truth.

We know there are cameras all over the place.

Wow, I need to reassess that statement especially when I recall the many times I have watched criminals staring into a camera as they commit a crime!

Actually, we need to act as though someone; actually someone we either respect or fear, is watching us at all times. There would be so many attitude adjustments, attire changes, etc.

For example, during a recent sporting event, there were people of all ages dressed in everything from bathing suits to too-tight spandex that advertised “one size fits all” but was clearly putting “all” to the test! Someone said, “Look at these young girls out here showing all their bodies. I’ve seen more butts and boobs and even shorts so short and tight that I see their private parts.”

I responded that they are definitely in tune with their bodies. But then the person went on to say, “It begins at home. There’s no way I’d let a child of mine come out dressed like some of these kids. And the boys (referencing the sagging pants), what makes them think we want to see their behinds?”

It was there that I interrupted and provided my perspective. I said many of those same young people would probably pee on themselves if they turned a corner and came face-to-face with one of their parents.

Just like some of these employees would snap to attention if their bosses were to show up at the workplace.

Airlines, how about making the aisles wider and the space between seats more accommodating? You know darned well more space is needed. Maybe with all the negotiations between employees and unions, someone will say something about the constant bumping into passengers and uncomfortable seating for more than just the per- son sitting in the middle seat. Clearly, you know, according to statistics that 65% of adults and 15% of children and adolescents in the US are over-weight or obese, so where do you expect people to comfortably fit their big butts?

And that is sad and probably why many people don’t want to join the workforce. We’ve heard stories of children being embarrassed be- cause they had to witness their parents bowing or kowtowing to those who considered themselves superior because of the color of their skin.

Or, you’ve heard of the humility that others are subjected to because of their differences, affiliations, or inclinations.

It’s enough to make you rebellious, rude, unruly, or a menace to society.

Unless you are a person of high ethical standards; someone who will do the right thing regardless of who is around and who is watching.

While I don’t want anyone watching my moves every second; we have seen employees will spit in food, not wash their hands (why else would you have signs in bathrooms) use dirty utensils —-and those are the “nicer” disgusting acts that people have done on the job.

Now what does that say about them?

Big Brother is watching but too often wrongs are not met with consequences and repercussions.

I don’t know what it will take to bring about a kinder and gentler society where people take pride in everything they do, will work to be able to purchase what they need or want, and will treat one another with love and respect.

Some might argue that there’s never been that time in life, that there has never been any “good old days.”

What do you think?

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