Special to Texas Metro News
By La Juana Barton
Chief of Staff, Office of Senator Royce West
With batted breath, I anticipate a new beginning.
Devoid of the negativity and narcissism that attempted
to chock the breath out of democracy.
Rising to a new day and new deal wherein We, the People,
have opportunities and recognition.
Our lives matter.
Our votes matter and mattered.
Transferring not only power, on today, but promise.
Springing forth from chaos, dysfunction, and a unscripted
reality show.
Whose finale has played out and its’ cast exiting stage left.
Tears overflowing in remembrance of those who will never
see this day.
Hundreds of thousands lost but not forgotten.
The blood, sweat and tears of others bound in the mortar
that binds buildings from The Capitol to
The White House and beyond.
Yes, slaves and freed slaves built the house where
our President will sleep.
Upon their whispers, we rejoice.
Their distant daughter cast as firsts.
The angels beaconed to destroy her encircled her then,
and protect them both now.
Clutching my pearls, not for affect, but because I know the
sacrifices they have, are and will make to return us to
the land of the free and home of the brave.
As they prepare for today, let them put on the armor of God
so they might be protected from the enemies they face
and be sustained on the journey You have chosen for
them to unite your children and heal your land.

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