By Norma Adams-Wade

My jaw dropped when, out of the blue, I heard Tim Walz vibrantly gush about the joy of the Kamala Harris presidential campaign.
“Thank you for bringing back the joy,” the live audience and media viewers heard Walz say firsthand, and many media outlets quickly quoted him saying.
Walz, of course, is Governor of Minnesota and the vice-presidential nominee with Harris who is the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee for the November 5, 2024 election.
I admit that Walz did not realize he was stealing my long-held philosophy that joy tops happiness.
Observers say Walz’ references to joy are designed to bring optimism, positivity, and yes, hope, to the Democratic ticket. This in contrast to the Donald Trump-J. D. Vance Republican Party’s campaign for President and Vice-President that stands out for its insults, name-calling and Trump criminal indictments that his lawyers are appealing.
Walz joy…Obama hope

Various news reporters, myself included, apparently thought right away of former President Barack Obama who consistently offered a theme of Hope during his first two-year campaign and ultimate victory in November 2008 as the nation’s first Black U. S. president. Obama ran against Republican John McCain in 2008 and Re- publican Mitt Romney in 2012.
News reports also say Watz’ joy seeks to paint the Harry-Watz campaign as unifying and forward moving, not somber and backwards moving as do Trump-Vance slogans and goals.
What is happiness?
Happiness is not something I believe in. Instead, give me joy. For me, there is a difference.
In my view, happiness depends on outer circumstances. It can depend on other people. It can depend on having material things – a new car or new hair-do. The problem is, there always seems to be strings attached to happiness.
What is joy? On the other hand, and in my opinion, joy comes from within. It is from the inside out, not out- side in. As I see it, joy does not need anyone else for it to manifest itself in your life. Joy feeds on itself. One Associated Press report described Walz’ use of joy as his “new buzz word.” And Harris also uses the term, saying the Democratic ticket is presenting “joyful warriors” to the public.
Walz did more than thank Harris for “bringing back joy.” He referenced that particular emotion a few times more in his speech. Describing Harris to the audience, he also said: “This leader (Harris), this compassionate, careful, joyous leader believes in each and every one of you.”
And media quoted folk who termed Walz as an ambassador of the joy emotion. Katherine Clark, a Democratic Whip and Massachusetts Congresswoman, was quoted describing Walz as “joyful” and battled-tested.

I was just thinking… Am I alone in choosing joy over happiness? Whether it’s Stevie Wonder waxing romantic about a strong love in the song “Joy Takes Over Me,” lyrics by Barney Duke Browner: “I know the sun’s gon’ shine… And as long as you’re mine… It’s joy, joy, joy, joy I feel inside.”
Or more often the vast selection of faith songs that proclaim joy about a higher power: the song “Joy to the World;” or the lyrics “I’ve got joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart,” credited to writer George W. Cooke; or Zach Williams belting the lyrics in the song “Old Church Choir” that he wrote with writers Colby Wedgeworth and Ethan Hulse:” I’ve got a heart overflowing…‘cause I’ve been restored. There ain’t nothing gonna steal my joy.
Professionals weigh in
Some professionals who deal with emotions agree:
Therapist Katherine Atherton in the Embark Behavior Health program: “Understanding the difference… Happiness…can be fleeting, is based on external factors, and is a reflection of something happening to you.”
Lawrence R. Samuel, Ph.D., Smithsonian Institute Fellow and author who writes in Psychology Today magazine: “Dwelling in happiness for my first two acts of life and joy in my third has worked out very well. …Being an older dad…with the sense of contentment that often comes with aging… (is) creating a powerful synergy of joy at the expense of happiness.”
Sarah Kristenson, website Happier Human blogger: “… you might be surprised to know that happiness may not be the best thing to aim for. …comparing joy and happiness, I know they’re strikingly different. …I’ve learned that I’d rather have joy.”

Will Walz’ joy prevail?
So, the “Snow White” and “Cinderella” fairytales of riding off into the sunset with Prince Charming to live happily ever after are fairy tales indeed — largely useless as examples for life. But as Obama did bring hope for generations of African descendants who boldly strove to ascent to the nation’s heights, so Harry and Walz can pursue returning joy to a downcast nation.
Norma Adams-Wade, is a proud Dallas native, University of Texas at Austin journalism graduate and retired Dallas Morning News senior staff writer. She is a founder of the National Association of Black Journalists and was its first southwest regional director. She became The News’ first Black full-time reporter in 1974.

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