
I WAS JUST THINKING: How Would You Rewrite Your Story?

By Norma Adams-Wade

Watched a TV Hallmark Channel movie the other night that left an impression.

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Can’t remember the name of the squeaky-clean comedy-drama, but this was the plot: A 30-something woman fell and hit her head. When she awoke, she was age 15 again and had the opportunity to re- write the outcome of her future. Of course, because it was Hallmark it had a happy ending. Great!

But I was just thinking… What if we all could go back to a certain age and rewrite the outcome of our future?

How would you rewrite your story?

One line in the Hallmark movie was, “This is do-over.” What would be your do-over?

You will not believe me when I say it is hard for me to think of a do-over in my life. It is true. But you will not believe me. It sounds too impossible. I do have one that I am not prepared to share. But beyond that one, I can think of no other.

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I have always looked at my life as a pure blessing, which it has been. My sister and I had both parents, Had grandparents. Had neighbors who

looked out for all the neighborhood kids. Had a foundation of family, community church and school. I have never felt alone. I enjoy solitude. Music and reading were my meditation.

Our parents and grandparents lived long and full lives. Both sets stayed together. No divorce. No bankruptcy. No domestic violence. We worshiped together. We ate Sunday and Thanksgiving dinners together. Our mother gave time to the local PTA. Our dad was highly regarded as a community base- ball umpire, coach, and mentor for boys in the community and family. My sister and I both did well in school, finished college, and found comfortable careers.

I have often repeated an old Black culture phrase to describe my life’s journey: “I was kept in the bosom of The Almighty.”

So, as I said, I was just thinking.… Here are some key life questions for you. How would you answer these?

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  1. If you could get hypnotized to help you recall a lost memory you wish you could regain, what would it be? Mine would be standing in front of a storefront window on a street in Austin, Texas talking to a girlfriend about our plans for our yet unborn children. I wish I could recall who the girlfriend was.
  2. If you had the power to pick a part of the world where you could improve their quality of life, where would it be? Mine would be Haiti and Ethiopia.If you could improve the nation’s school system, how would you implement improvements?
  3. My answer: I would bring back manual labor training – auto mechanics, carpentry, and such. Training that would help students who are not going to college to have an employable skill.
  4. If you could improve the legal system, how would you improve it?
    My answer: I would remove racial discrimination in sentencing.
  5. If you could improve foreign governments, how would you improve them?

When Americans send donations to impoverished countries, I would have a system in place that ensures that the donations get to the people and not go in the pockets or households of the rich and powerful in government.

Those are just a few of mine. What would be your list?

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