By Dr. Stacia’ Alexander, LPC-S
The onslaught of news through prominent news outlets, newspapers, social media, and radio are taking a toll on everyone. If you are not careful, it will completely erase the humanity of what, for most of us, is one of the scariest places to be in physically, mentally, financially, and socially. Critical decisions are being made that will impact our lives for years to come and we feel powerless. The only way to successfully navigate this emotionally taxing season is to connect with people. Through a series of interviews from people of varying industries, I am connecting on one subject matter all of us can identify with regardless of what we were doing when the clock turned midnight into what we thought would be a breakout year, 2020.
Corona Conversations talks candidly with people on how CoronaVirus has impacted their lives with an especial focus on the emotionality of the emotional experiences. The episodes will broadcast on my professional social media channels; Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn and Soundcloud and are approximately 25 minutes in length. Rob G The General shares how he was inspired to host a morning Praise and Worship set each morning to help people Spiritually Sanitize their homes. Melodi Parker, LPC talks with parents on normalizing the situation and decreasing stress amongst their children. James Bush, LPC joined me to highlight how men of different personalities are handling the quarantine restrictions. Mitchiko Jackson talks of how her last year actually prepared her for the woes of this year.
And Brandy Baxter speaks of the importance of financial management even in the midst of a crisis. The first series of conversations are so phenomenal that other industry leaders reached out to participate. So, stay tuned because there are more to come. Make sure you tune in and use their experiences to help you navigate your journey. And may we all live to tell our coronavirus tale of 2020 to show the resiliency and faith of a nation that prevails in spite of adversity. If you are interested, reach me through my website for more information.

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