Cheryl's World

MY TRUTH: What a year 2024 was!

By Cheryl Smith

VP Harris, My Girl, represented A Change is Gonna Come

As we close out 2024, I can’t help but reflect on the year with mixed emotions and look forward to 2025 with hope.

Sixty years ago, the song, A Change is Gonna Come, was released and in 1924 just like in every year, I try to be that change I want to see.

The year began with celebrating the life of someone very special to me, the Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson. A long-time legislator, community servant, mentor, philanthropist, leader, and supporter, the retired U.S. Congresswoman transitioned on December 31, 2023.

The many celebrations of her life were fit for a queen as a sitting president, heads of state, ambassadors, legislators, family, celebrities, classmates, precinct chairs, community citizens, sorority sisters, organization members, clergy, friends, and yes, even the daughter of a former president, attended.

She had such an impact on the lives of so many and her benevolence spread far and wide. What was especially endearing about her was that underneath her coat of armor was a pure, loving heart and a graciousness that kept her humble.

Sure she demanded and commanded excellence but she also gave and exuded excellence.

You should check out her book that came out this past summer, Desire to Serve: The Autobiography of Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, co-written with Atty. Cheryl Wattley.

Spiritually grounded, the book was a labor of love for her, just as she also desired to say thanks to all the people who were generous and gracious to her over her lifetime.

She didn’t forget a kind word or deed.

Her life was one worth emulating and she really worked and lived to make this world a better place.

And that was also the way it was for the beautifully talented Yolande Cornelia (Nikki) Giovanni Jr. who transitioned on December 9, 2024.

Now December is always a challenging month for me. I still know what I was doing on December 25, 1969, when my paternal grandfather, Remer Smith became an ancestor. Decades later, his son, Joseph, my father, would also transition in December, on the 8th of 2004.

It was also the month my God- mother Lizzie Braswell said her last goodbye, but not before voting for Barack Obama for President!

Two people who opened up to me, James and Teena (that’s right THE James Brown and THE Teena Marie shared their experiences with me and their messages left an indelible mark on my life. They also became ancestors during the month of December; the 25th and 26, respectively.

While there are so many whose lives we celebrated as they transitioned this year; I have to spend some time reflecting on the celebrations of life and accomplishments as so many positive things happened throughout the year.

Sixty years ago the hit song, My Girl, was released and yes, I thought my vote, for MY GIRL Kamala Harris for president, was just enough to save this world for generations to come.

As I have said before, Vice President Kamala Harris represented hope for the future so she was definitely, My Girl!

But all is not lost. We can’t wallow in self-pity or sink into a fit of despair. Instead, we must do what so many before us have done. We must march on til victory is won.

And we must do what the Hon. Marcus Garvey suggested: “If we as a people realized the great- ness from which we came we would be less likely to disrespect ourselves.”

Some dynamic people left us in 2024.

In 2025, here we come!

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