By Cheryl Smith
Well she finally did it!
On Tuesday, March 1, 2022; Skylar decided to use her potty for its intended purpose.
Since she received it a few months ago, she has used the potty as a chair, a foot stool and storage unit.
Everything you could imagine has been inside that potty, except for a number one, a number two; or, like her mother told me years ago, “a number three!”
Go figure that one out!
Which brings me to my truth.
Admittedly I am a work in progress and will be that way for as long as I continue to inhale and exhale. Since I have no idea when those actions will cease, I just keep on keep- ing on — living and learning with the understanding that when you know better, you do better.
And who doesn’t want to be a better person?
Hours later after Skylar’s deposit, she was right back to using the potty to be mischievous. Hopefully she will do better, but she’s only two years old.
Unfortunately there are too many 20, 30, and yes even 40 times her age and have yet to “get it right!”
What does “get it right” entail? Good question.
It requires being honorable in words, actions and deeds.
It means standing up, sitting down, and even kneeling when you know in your heart it is the right thing to do even if you are doing it alone.
It also means walking a walk as if the whole world is watching, like you have nothing to hide and everything you are doing is above reproach.
We’re trying to teach Skylar to be an honorable person; but more importantly we are teaching her to love herself because there are too many out in the world who won’t. By loving herself there are things that hopefully she won’t do nor will she let others do to her.
Life is challenging.
Are you getting it “right?”
Or are you like me, a work in progress?
Or do you even think about who you are and why?

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