Cheryl's World

My Truth: I Stand Accused

I confess. These days you really can be what you want to be, or you can at least make people think that you are whatever you desire; thanks to social media.

I confess.

These days you really can be what you want to be, or you can at least make people think that you are whatever you desire; thanks to social media.

True, there are people suffering from impostor syndrome because we live in a society where it is so easy to fake the funk!

In the past, there may have been that feeling because we were called upon time and time again to prove ourselves, even when we had all the credentials others had and more.

Today, however; it appears it is easier to function in a space of make-believe because folks don’t know the difference between what is fake and what is for real.

Now I have had quite a bit of experience and I can put up a good front as an attorney.

While I may not be Cheryl Wattley, just review my pedigree: I have seen every episode of Perry Mason; spent countless hours watching Law and Order from the Original to the Organized Crime series; also binged on The Practice, The Good Wife, All Rise and Boston Legal.

Do the names Claire Huxtable, Denny Crane, Gomez Addams, Annalise Keating, Jared Barkley, Ben Matlock, Joe Miller, Lt. Daniel Kaffee, Jake Brigance, Erin Brockovich or Philip Banks, resonate with you?

Additionally I have covered numerous trials and testified on the witness stand in misdemeanor and felony cases. I even had one ADA stumbling over his questions to me — Mike Gillett.

Clearly I am well equipped to render decisions in any case because the only thing I don’t have is that elusive law degree that so many others have from the Facebook or Twitter School of Law.

But you should listen to me about everything from truancy violators to cases the U.S. Supreme Court hears, right?

Heck no!

Is someone waiting at my office to confer a Juris Doctorate Degree?

Nah, I know they aren’t. I am not delusional.

Which brings me to my truth!

One of my favorite songs by Harold Melvin and the Blue Note is “Be for Real.”

Being true to yourself, in the midst of all the fakeness, may be challenging but not impossible.

Recently a lawyer’s best friend forever answered a question on social media that should cause all politicians to pause.

The “friend” said that the reason politicians running for office are told to pay all their campaign bills up front is because they are known for not paying their bills and honoring their commitments,


Is this friend saying that politicians can’t be trusted?


Is this friend saying that politicians are dishonest and are lacking in honor?

Yikes! What a sad state.

Maybe that is why so many people are distrustful of elected officials, because some are not trustworthy.

Unfortunately as with any profession, there are the good and the bad; but when these people stand up in front of the world and take an oath, they should be held to a higher standard.

Even Donald Trump.

And we want to help those politicians who are honorable and worthy of support.

How can we help? Well, we have to be honest and we have to hold people accountable.

More and more the Texas Metro News team is being asked if we will be endorsing candidates.

We have been working tirelessly to be in a position to endorse and not feel the brunt of candidates who pull advertising because they didn’t get an endorsement. Well, we don’t care because most candidates are complaining about not having any money anyway, so we can’t miss what we never had.

And in the words of Keisha Jones, our endorsement won’t be for sale. We are for real and our endorsements are not for “play play!”

So we, at Texas Metro News, are gearing up to examine the issues and the individuals; as well as the needs of our communities. Our questions will be tough and fair, as will your coverage also.

Some will like what we have to say and some won’t.

One thing for sure, you won’t be able to call anything we write about you a lie!

We have worked to gain your trust and represent honestly and accurately; therefore we can stand and take the heat and criticism along with the praise.

If you are an elected official, or plan on seeking elected office, I strongly suggest you do the same and then you won’t be offended by the scrutiny.

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