By Cheryl Smith
As I rode through Dallas last week, I was disgusted.
I actually felt sick to my stomach.
On street after street, I saw people sleeping on the side-walks of the best city to live in the state of Texas, according to blogger Ryan Fitzgerald, writing for
All I knew was that it was hot and no one needed to be sleeping on the streets in a country where people pick up stray animals and take them home, without reservation.
And there I sat in the comfort of my vehicle with the air conditioning blasting.
This week, I had the same upset stomach because once again, I was riding through downtown and saw so many homeless folks making their beds on concrete.
This time, it was not hot. It was freezing and this time I had the heat blasting.
Just reliving both rides caused me pain.
No matter my situation, the thought that I would be exiting my car to go into the warmth of my home was enough to make me cringe!
People need help and not just during “Giving Day” or holiday seasons. Everyday something needs to be done to eradicate the homelessness issue.
I just can’t see how anyone of consciousness and conscience can not feel something about our homeless situation.
Sure we have organizations that are helping. Sadly, we have some that say they are helping but is the help really going to those really in need?
For example, I recently heard from someone who said they sought aid from an area church because a friend had received aid. The friend who received aid, lives with his spouse and two children in a home and he and his wife are working; making way above the minimum wage.
The person seeking aid was denied because the church representatives said the program was out of funds.
Here was a widow not even living from paycheck to pay-check because she was always behind, taking care of two children and working two jobs, but determined to stay off of government assistance. All she wanted was a helping hand, and instead she saw people cheating the system to get funds.
Interesting that I should hear that story the day after watching the CBS hit series,
The Equalizer. In the episode one young lady asked her friend to help her complete an application to get into a program.
When her friend began reviewing the application, she saw that the applicant used a Spanish surname so she asked her who the person was. It appears the applicant was using her grandfather’s name, which was actually her middle name and she felt she stood a better chance of getting into the program if she were a minority.
“I’ve known you since seventh grade and you have always been white,” her friend challenged her, telling her further that she didn’t feel comfortable with the deception.
Well, there’s a lot of deception going on and unfortunately the needy are remaining in need.
Which brings me to my truth.
We have to care about the least of us.
Dallas has a Citizen Homelessness Commission that advises the City Manager and City Council on issues affecting homelessness with focus on evaluating new and existing programs, coordinating with other local and regional bodies addressing homelessness, among other duties.
I applaud those agencies that are working to stem the tide.
Surely there has to be a solution.
Someone has to have an answer for solving the homelessness issue in Dallas and everywhere else!
It begins with each of us doing what we can do to help the least of us.
Are you willing to do something? We’re going to be sharing information to assist you in your efforts to help others.
Hopefully you will be interested and you will do for others what you’d hope someone would do for you or someone you love!

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