Melba Hill is an Economic Development Specialist at the DeSoto Economic Development Corporation (DEDC) in DeSoto, Texas. She is praised for being a dedicated...
Tonya Tatum is an Acquisition Team Lead at Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC. and worked at Saxon Mortgage. A graduate of Trimble Technical High...
Currently the Director of Public Relations and Realtor at Womack Development & Investment Realtors, Danielle Keys Bess formerly worked at Lockheed Martin. She graduated from...
Ronisha Isham is a service desk specialist/Software Engineer. A “Full-stack” web developer from Nebula Academy with technical skills working with frontend applications and backend...
Just thinking about Dr. Nellie Lewis evokes a heavy sigh. She was so dynamic. A respected educator and volunteer whose career spanned almost 50 years,...
Dr. Yvonne Ewell was a born leader. Even more importantly, she was a mentor and lifted as she climbed. A DISD Teacher, Principal, Consultant, Assistant Director...
The incomparable Zenetta Drew is celebrating 35 years as the Executive Director of Dallas Black Dance Theatre since 1987. A Distinguished Alumni Recipient from Texas...