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In June 2021, former Minneapolis police officer and convicted murderer Derek Chauvin was sentenced to 270 months in prison for killing Houston native George...
AUSTIN, Texas – Lights, camera, action: tonight, Greg “Governor Absent” Abbott’s keynote at the Republican National Convention built upon his audition for his next job...
Is This Good and for Who? By Caitlynne VickerstaffJournaliZm Professor Annette Nevins wanted her students to see historical South Dallas – one of the...
Photo Courtesy of Tim Pethel On July 18 only, discounted tickets to the family-fun cultural extravaganza will be available for $19.94 for select seats...
By Keith Boykin, Minnesota Spokesman RecorderReprinted- by Texas Metro Newshttps://spokesman-recorder.com/ News Analysis “Black Vote, Black Power,” a collaboration between Keith Boykin and Word In Black, examines...