When faced with unexpected financial emergencies, many people find themselves in need of immediate funds. One solution that can provide much-needed relief is quick loans.
In June 2021, former Minneapolis police officer and convicted murderer Derek Chauvin was sentenced to 270 months in prison for killing Houston native George...
By Negar Fani and Nathaniel HarnettThe Philadelphia Tribune Racism steals time from people’s lives — possibly because of the space it occupies in the...
Frisco, TX – The Alliance for a Brighter Community (ABC) Foundation proudly announces its largest annual fundraising event, “A Night in Emerald City.” The...
By Paige BoydBlack America WebReprinted – by Texas Metro Newshttps://blackamericaweb.com/ The nation’s oldest sorority founded by African American women are making their voices heard...
By Stacy M. Brown The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has announced significant policy changes to help veterans experiencing homelessness. The...
By Tashi McQueenAFRO Political WriterReprinted – by Texas Metro Newshttps://afro.com/ The Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA 2.0) and the Kids Online...
By Mira DanielJournaliZm Staging Success, a Coppell student-founded, nonprofit organization committed to showcasing local Coppell talent, has marked a significant achievement with the successful...
Companies that prioritize sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and ethical practices are more likely to attract and retain Gen Z talent. By Teresa WalshJournaliZm As...
By: DaQuan LawrenceAFRO International Writer 10 years since the shooting death of Michael Brown, a teenager shot by former police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson,...