When faced with unexpected financial emergencies, many people find themselves in need of immediate funds. One solution that can provide much-needed relief is quick loans.
In June 2021, former Minneapolis police officer and convicted murderer Derek Chauvin was sentenced to 270 months in prison for killing Houston native George...
Dallas County Precinct 1 annual Christmas Party at South Dallas Government Center presented by Constable Tracey Gulley, Judge Thomas G. Jones, Judge Valencia Nash,...
Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Journalists (DFW/ABJ) Board of Directors shown with games collected during holiday mixer and games collection drive at 4Thirteen Kitchen...
Dr. Larry Lewis has been named interim superintendent for DeSoto ISD, following a special called meeting. Educated at Stephen F. Austin State University, Texas...
The Haitian Times Before the Dec. 14 deadly fire occurred in Cap-Haitien drew headlines, Haiti had been struggling with a fuel shortage crisis that intensified over...
The State Fair of Texas has announced a new partnership with Comerica Bank, which will bring nonprofit organization Trusted World’s work to the South...
A recent study, conducted by the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute proves DA-driven diversion court to be an overwhelming success by saving taxpayers money...