Cassandra Annette Alexander, beloved daughter, sister, mother, and grandmother, passed away on December 24, 2023, in Desoto, Texas. Born on September 16, 1963, in...
Martha Gadlin Givens is a jewel. A 30-year breast cancer survivor, she attended Polytechnic High School and R. L. Paschal High School. Happily married...
Lābb Alifíque® is where Science and Art meets Luxury. They are an innovative Aesthetics and wellness practice providing regenerative and integrative solutions for rejuvenating...
By Sherry Christiansen Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The other type of IBD is Crohn’s disease. Discussing bowel disorders...
By Wayne DawkinsNABJ Black News & Views Keechant Sewell has a first name that is supposed to mean problem solver, healer, or comfortable. Those definitions...