NNPA Stories Things Parents Should Know Sending Their Kids Back To School NNPA NEWSWIRE — The unanimous opinion among our doctors was if your child can get vaccinated, they should. The only thing that has proven... I MessengerSeptember 18, 2021
Editorial THE LAST WORD: The New Multiracial America By Dr. Julianne Malveaux So you are sitting on a park bench, just enjoying the weather. What is the likelihood that the next person... I MessengerSeptember 18, 2021
Lifestyle FROM MARVA WITH LOVE: Joy Has Love For The Community By Marva J. Sneed You might say Chevella Campbell earns her nickname “Joy” every day. At Dallas’ Discovery Place, Campbell serves up faith, love... I MessengerSeptember 18, 2021
Arts & Entertainment REVIEW: THE CARD COUNTER BY HOLLYWOOD HERNANDEZ THE CARD COUNTER is a very dark movie about a former military prison camp interrogator, played by Oscar Isacc, who is... I MessengerSeptember 18, 2021
News After 9/11, Some Found Healing By Helping Vicky Mann started her day, Tuesday morning, September 11, 2001, like any other. A nursing student at the time, her mind was focused on... I MessengerSeptember 18, 2021
Local News Bishop Auto Shop Grand Opening Held Despite the pandemic Black businesses are continuing to pop up and expand in the Southern Sector of Dallas County and Bishop Eli Jacobs is... I MessengerSeptember 18, 2021
News DeSoto Fire Rescue 9/11 Memorial Ceremony On the eve of the 20th year Anniversary of 9/11 the City of DeSoto, TX held a 9/11 Memorial Ceremony at DeSoto Fire Station... I MessengerSeptember 18, 2021
NNPA Stories Warnock To Receive NNPA Leadership Award NNPA NEWSWIRE — When selected for the position of pastor of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Georgia, Warnock was the youngest ever to... I MessengerSeptember 18, 2021
Editorial TO BE EQUAL: Honoring A Champion By Marc Morial We lost Judge Damon J. Keith, one of the greatest champions of voting rights in American history. More on his legacy.... I MessengerSeptember 18, 2021
Editorial WAKE UP AND STAY WOKE : You’d Better BELIEVE It! By Dr. E. Faye Williams Unquestionably, Maya Angelou’s most famous quote is: “If someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time.” ... I MessengerSeptember 18, 2021