News Opioid use and pregnancy: An honest discussion Robyn Horsager-Boehrer, M.D.Obstetrics and Gynecology In 2019, about 7% of pregnant women reported using opioids medications, and about 1 in 5 reported misuse of opioids during... I MessengerJanuary 15, 2023
Arts & Entertainment Didier William: Unearthing Black immigrant, queer narratives through art MIAMI—When artist Didier William was six years old, his parents sold most their belongings and spent the $7,000 in earnings to leave their home... I MessengerJanuary 15, 2023
News Carl Murphy in the Community: Behind the man who made the news By Micha GreenAFRO D.C. and Digital Carl Murphy may have only stood 5 feet and 3 inches, but he was a giant in... I MessengerJanuary 15, 2023
Dallas Morning News Clouded leopard found after hours -long search at Dallas Zoo Dallas police believe the animal’s enclosure was intentionally cut open. I MessengerJanuary 15, 2023
News More than a day, we are and have been building a moral fusion movement This Martin Luther King Day, we must continue a campaign for social, political and economic rights, not simply to commemorate a man. This nation... I MessengerJanuary 15, 2023
News Soiree Coffee Bar to host Jazz Notes Café, a monthly salon for writers Next month, the owners of Soiree Coffee Bar and jazz venue in Dallas will begin having a special event for members of the local writing community.... I MessengerJanuary 15, 2023
News Mesquite TX TRI EAST NAACP MLK, Jr. Parade and Celebration Photos and Brief By Dorothy Patterson Saturday The city of Mesquite partnered with the Mesquite TX TRI East NAACP and hosted the MLK Parade.... I MessengerJanuary 15, 2023
Dallas Morning News ‘We want three!’: South Oak Cliff celebrates back-to-back champs with hometown parade Hundreds of people lined the parade route to South Oak Cliff High School, home of the state football champion Golden Bears. I MessengerJanuary 15, 2023
Superb Woman Superb Woman: Keidra Thompkins M.Ed. aka "The Real Educator” I MessengerJanuary 15, 2023