By Meron Moges-Gerbi Oxford University Press has announced a large-scale study that will culminate in the Oxford Dictionary of African American English, the brainchild...
By Marian Wright Edelman May 29 was Memorial Day in the United States, and the long weekend that is traditionally observed with shared American remembrance...
By Rep. James Clyburn In his Jan. 20, 2021, inaugural address, President Joe Biden pledged an administration that looks like America and to “fight as...
Meet Cedric Ruffin, the owner of My Mamas Bundt Cakes. During the pandemic when physical gatherings were restricted, Cedric and his family stayed connected...
Latrivious Bruce is all dimples, smiles and beautiful eyes. A 2001 graduate of Paul Quinn College, where she studied physical education and biochemistry, the...
By Robyn Craig A young woman shared in a now-viral TikTok video that her friends contracted herpes after sharing a hookah. TikTok user Krystal shared a...