By Valder Beebe
To be a part of informing the public before the votes are cast this November, the Valder Beebe Show invited veteran chronicler of U.S. politics Michael Kirk, a 40-year veteran producer and director of PBS’s Frontline. In The Choice 2020: Trump vs. Biden tells the story of a deeply divided nation through the lives of the two men who want to lead it. Audiences can view this history making film on PBS and online, available on streaming and in the near future YouTube.
Frontline, U.S. television’s longest running investigative documentary series, explores the issues of our times through powerful storytelling. My joy was learning documentary filmmaker Michael Kirk has produced more than 200 national television programs. Kirk is a former Nieman Fellow in Journalism at Harvard University.
The Choice 2020 will offer a sharply reported narrative arc of both candidates’ lives through revealing interviews with those who know Trump and Biden best, with insights from key political and cultural figures such as Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, and Joe Biden’s sister, Valerie Biden Owens. With trustworthy journalism and powerful new insights at a moment when anxious voters are being saturated with misinformation and partisanship, this clear-eyed documentary will examine each man’s approach to power, the defining moments that shaped their lives, and their visions for America’s future at this pivotal juncture. –Michael Kirk’s publicists provided text in conjunction with the Valder Beebe Show.
VBS: Trump vs Biden, there is so much to know, what do you want us [the audience] to know through Frontline featuring Trump vs Biden?
MK: I strive for fair and balanced. For me this is the only way to survive in journalism as long as I have. It’s not my opinions that count but for the viewer to create their own opinions. We want to show as many dimensions as the candidates’ exhibits beyond just what people may know. There are a lot of pieces to the puzzle. We want this program to give you an idea who each candidate is and will be under various situations.
VBS: Who are some of the guests interviewed for their opinions, on both sides?
MK: VP Biden campaign manager and sister, Val. She has always been his campaign manager since the beginning of his political career. Jill Biden, his wife, and Carol Mosley Braun, the first African American female senator….
Valder Beebe Show THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW On-Demand video:,,; PODCAST audio:,; Broadcast: KYBS FM Y99.9, KRER FM 102.5, Streaming TV PChatman Network and VBS affiliate broadcasters; On-Demand 411 RadioNetwork. com, – Now available on 411RadioNetwork APP. Valder Beebe Show is a Power of 3 Women media influencer consortium partner

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