By Valder Beebe
Charity and watchdog group Save the Persecuted Christians and coalition member the International Committee on Nigeria (ICON).
Nigerian activists have descended on Washington and other U.S. cities this week looking for your support….what would you be willing to do if your daughter went missing? What would you do if your culture was being threatened and annihilated?
In the Valder Beebe Show studio, my guests; Alheri Magaji, daughter of Adara Senior Chief, her father, the Chief was unjustly imprisoned for 100 days by Kaduna state government. Mercy Maissari, an Adara victim kidnapped, ransomed and then released. Napoleon Adamu, a survivor of Benue programs. All are here in the United States traveling from their home country Nigeria to give firsthand account of the tribulations, terror and tensions of being a Christian in Nigeria. These distinguished guests (Mercy is a daughter of a Nigerian Chief) share insider details about kidnappings, killings, rape of women, men, children and Christians.
VB: To set an understanding for the reader; my guests are in the United States from Nigeria. Thanks to Talk Show host Ester Davis, Ester Davis Show, for arranging this studio interview for the Valder Beebe Show. Boko Haram waving the black and white flag used by the Islamic State and wearing balaclavas, military fatigues and ammunition belts, members of the group released some of the abducted girls in Dapchi early in February 2018. Over 100 girls have been released since then, but many are still missing. Alheri Magaji, Mercy Maissari and Napoleon Adamu are a part of a delegation to the United States to present their case for the United States for intervention in their political strife at home. The group is attempting to get an appointment with Vice President, Mike Pence in Washington, D.C. The Valder Beebe Show was granted this interview:
VB: Your delegation is here seeking assistance from the U.S. for multiple situation happening now and the recent past in Nigeria, tell me about the. I am aware that you are the daughter, Alheri Magaji, of Adara Senior Chief in Nigeria. Your father was incarcerated for 100 days unjustly by the government. Your ethnicity has been threatened as the Islamic military faction are trying to wipe away your Tribe. I’m attempting to get my audience to understand why your father was imprisoned unjustly and what this is such a travesty?
Alheri Magaji: Thank you for listening to me
VB: I believe what Martin Luther King, Jr. said in his reference to justice so I will paraphrase, “a threat to Christians anywhere is a threat to Christians everywhere.”
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Valder Beebe Show is a Power of 3 Women consortium partner

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